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RUBY ON RAILS It’s so rad. What we’ll cover  What is Ruby?  What is RoR?  Why RoR?  Developing with RoR  Deployment  Demo  Questions.

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Presentation on theme: "RUBY ON RAILS It’s so rad. What we’ll cover  What is Ruby?  What is RoR?  Why RoR?  Developing with RoR  Deployment  Demo  Questions."— Presentation transcript:

1 RUBY ON RAILS It’s so rad

2 What we’ll cover  What is Ruby?  What is RoR?  Why RoR?  Developing with RoR  Deployment  Demo  Questions

3 What is Ruby?  Object-oriented language  Written in 1995 by some smart Japanese man  Influenced by PERL, Python, and Lisp (but mostly Python)  EASY to understand, simple syntax

4 What is RoR?  Full stack web application framework  Written in Ruby (duh)  Since 2004  Open Source  Focused on rapid application development

5 Why Ruby on Rails?  Rails is a framework  Python – TurboGears, Django  Java - JSP/Servlets, Struts  PHP – Cake, Symfony  Convention over Configuration  Super fast to get started writing useable code class Project < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :portfolio has_one :project_manager has_many :milestones end

6 Developing with RoR  Rails gives the developer a solid infrastructure to build a  web application  Model View Controller (MVC)  Model, the Object Relational Mapper  Automatically maps the database to objects  Very easy and natural to work with  Thin layer with SQL – dynamically generates SQL queries User.find_all User.find(:first, :conditions => [“user = ? AND password =?”], user, pass)  Controller, the logic of the application  View, provides HTML templates and UI helpers

7 Developing with RoR

8  Support many database back-ends (db agnostic)  Oracle, MySQL, PosgreSQL, SQLite  Built-in support for AJAX  Built-in functional and unit testing  Code tests while you develop  Test templates are automatically generated  Rails comes with a complete toolbox of classes, helpers and utilities

9 Deployment  Rails apps are compatible with Unix and Windows  environments  Rails apps can be deployed on multiple web server  Configurations  Mod_rails (Phusion Passenger)  Mongrel/Mongrel Cluster (plus some Apache goodness for proxy)  FastCGI – running behind Apache or Lighty  CGI  WEBrick – a standalone Ruby web server, easy for development  Easy control of the deployment with Capistrano  A scripting tool to control the deployment of the application on multiple sites  Easy control of schema migration  rake migrate VERSION=3

10 Demo  Real-time demo of the “Blog in 15 Minutes” (so it will probably take at least 20)

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