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Polygons-and-Pattern Blocks!Polygons-and-Pattern Blocks!

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Presentation on theme: "Polygons-and-Pattern Blocks!Polygons-and-Pattern Blocks!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Polygons-and-Pattern Blocks!Polygons-and-Pattern Blocks!

2 PolygonsPolygons * Four sided figures *closed figures made by line segments

3 Regular Polygons * Four sided figures *closed figures made by line segments *all segments and all angles are equal

4 Irregular Polygons * Four sided figures *closed figures made by line segments *segments and angles are not necessarily equal

5 Polygon Sort I s that shape a polygon? Drag each shape onto the word, "polygon". If it is a polygon, it will disappear. If it is not a polygon, it will stay visible. PolygonPolygon

6 QuadrilateralsQuadrilaterals * four sided polygon *measures of the angles add up to 360°

7 QuadrilateralQuadrilateral Quadrilateral Sort I s that shape a quadrilateral? Drag each shape onto the word, "quadrilateral". If it is a quadrilateral, it will disappear. If it is not a quadrilateral, it will stay visible.

8 RhombusRhombus *four-sided polygon with all sides equal lengths *measures of the angles add up to 360°

9 ParallelogramParallelogram *four sided polygon *two pairs of parallel sides *measures of the angles add up to 360°

10 RectangleRectangle *four sided polygon *two pairs of equal sides *four 90° angles *measures of the angles add up to 360°

11 SquareSquare *four sided polygon *all sides are equal *all angles are 90° *measures of the angles add up to 360°

12 TrapezoidTrapezoid *four sided polygon *exactly one pair of parallel sides

13 Using multiple pattern blocks, how many triangles, quadrilaterals, pentagons, and...... can you make?

14 In a rhombus, all sides are equal. In a parallelogram, only pairs of sides are equal. They both have: 4 sides polygons quadrilaterals parallel lines How are a rhombus and a parallelogram the same? How are they different? DIFFERENT SAME

15 A rhombus has 4 equal sides and 2 pairs parallel sides. A parallelogram has 2 pairs of parallel sides. Is a___ also a ____? I s a rhombus also a parallelogram? C lick each shape to reveal clues. Yes, a rhombus is a parallelogram. Answer

16 A square has 4 equal sides and 4 equal angles, 2 pairs of equal and parallel sides. A parallelogram has 2 pairs of parallel sides. Is a___ also a ____? I s a square also a parallelogram? C lick each shape to reveal clues. Yes, a square is a parallelogram. Answer

17 A square has 4 equal sides and 4 equal angles, 2 pairs of equal and parallel sides. A parallelogram has 2 pairs of parallel sides. Is a ___ also a ____? I s a parallelogram also a square? C lick each shape to reveal clues. No, a parallelogram is not necessarily a square. Answer

18 In rectangles, only opposite sides have to be equal. All sides are equal lengths in a square. Is a___ also a ___? I s a rectangle also a square? C lick each shape to reveal clues. No, not all rectangles are squares. Answer

19 In a rectangle, opposite sides are equal. All sides of a square are equal. Is a ___ also a ____? I s a square also a rectangle? C lick each shape to reveal clues. Yes, a square is also a rectangle. Answer

20 A quadrilateral is a polygon with four sides and four vertices. A square has four sides. Is a___ also a ___? I s a square also a quadrilateral? C lick each shape to reveal clues. Yes, all squares are quadrilaterals. Answer

21 A rectangle has four sides with opposite sides being equal. A quadrilateral is a polygon with four sides and four vertices. Is a ___ also a ____? I s a quadrilateral also a rectangle? C lick each shape to reveal clues. No, not all quadrilaterals are rectangles. Answer

22 Parallelograms don't have a set limit on the measurements of the angles. A rectangle has four 90° angles. Is a___ also a ___? I s a parallelogram also a rectangle? C lick each shape to reveal clues. No, a parallelogram is not necessarily a rectangle. Answer

23 Rhombus Classify Me! C lassify each shape using these categories: P olygon, Regular Polygon, Irregular Polygon, Quadrilateral, Rhombus, Rectangle, Square, Triangle, Trapeziod, Parallelogram, Hexagon. C lick each shape to reveal the answer. Polygon Regular Polygon Irregular Polygon Regular Polygon Quadrilateral Parallelogram Rectangle Square Triangle Trapeziod Polygon Irregular Polygon Quadrilateral Parallelogram Rhombus Hexagon

24 Diagram Me! M ake a mind map to show the relationship between the following types of shapes: P olygon, Quadrilateral, Rhombus, Rectangle, Square, Triangle, Trapeziod, Parallelogram.

25 Attribute Cards ( The cards are printable)

26 Irregular polygon Hexagon More than five sides Square Trapezoid Triangle


28 Parallelogram Quadrilateral Rhombus Polygon More than one line of symmetry Regular polygon

29 Regular polygon More than five sides Square Trapezoid Triangle More than three sides


31 Irregular polygon More than one line of symmetry Polygon Rhombus Quadrilateral Parallelogram

32 Polygon Playground Fun Polygon Links Buzzing With Shapes Patch Tool: Pattern Blocks Interactive Quadrilaterals Shape and Symmetry Games Matching Polygons

33 Congruent-or- Similar?Congruent-or- Similar?

34 CongruentCongruent *the same shape and size *two shapes are congruent if you can turn, flip and/or slide one so it fits exactly on the other

35 SimilarSimilar *the same shape, but NOT the same size

36 NONE! What affect does color have on congruency or similarity of shapes?

37 congruent similar congruent similar congruent similar Congruent or Similar? C lick on each pair of shapes to reveal.

38 Flips,Slides,-and-TurnsFlips,Slides,-and-Turns

39 FlipsFlips *a transformation in which a plane figure is flipped or reflected across a line, creating a mirror image of the original figure

40 Flips M ake a flip using a picture of yourself on Use the "flip" feature in the edit menu to make the flip.

41 SlidesSlides *move a shape without rotating or flipping it *the shape still looks exactly the same, just in a different place

42 SlidesSlides Make a slide using a picture of yourself on Use the "collage" feature in the to make the slide.

43 TurnsTurns *rotate around a point

44 TurnsTurns Make a turn using a picture of yourself on Use the "rotate" feature in the edit menu to make the turn.

45 Flips, Slides, and Turns Fun Games Motion Man Hot Wheels Racing Subdivisions, Inc.


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