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Boom to Bust  I can differentiate between an economic boom and bust. 5.2.2.

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Presentation on theme: "Boom to Bust  I can differentiate between an economic boom and bust. 5.2.2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Boom to Bust  I can differentiate between an economic boom and bust. 5.2.2

2 ***  Mr. Lee - All I Do Is Learn - YouTube Mr. Lee - All I Do Is Learn - YouTube

3 Materials  Pencil  Notes  Whiteboard  Markers  Eraser  Scissors  Coach book

4 Vocabulary Boom – a time of strength in the economy Bust- a time of weakness in the economy Economy – management of money, resources, and production of goods and services

5  1. Can you give an example of an economic boom?  2. Can you give an example of an economic bust?  3.Do you think our country is experiencing an economic boom or bust? Choose. Why or why not?

6 TCAP Coach  Page 136 and 140

7 Boom or Bust – Stock markets is making money. Plenty of gold.

8 Boom or Bust  People have jobs and money -

9 Boom or Bust  Banks are lending – stocks are making money, people are keeping money in the bank

10 Boom or Bust  People are out of work.

11 Boom or Bust  A time in history – 1929-1939. Worst and longest time of economic poorness for the world.

12 Boom or Bust  President Hoover was in office when the stock market crashed October 29, 1929.That day is known as Black Tuesday.

13 Boom or Bust  Shanty Towns or Hooversvilles were places where people made shacks to live in because they’d lost everything. (Great Depression).

14 Boom or Bust  Because of the drought of the 1930’s, crops failed, creating the problem of erosion and dust storms. No crops, no food for people.

15 Boom or Bust  Everyone has enough food.

16 Boom or Bust  Mostly everyone has housing – Home sales are up.

17 Quick End  1. The economy is strong, people are working, businesses are growing, and banks are lending moneys, this is an indication of an economic _______________.   2. Three features of an economic bust are   a. inflation, high employment, and debt  b. high unemployment, high debt, and many businesses closing   3. What do you think? Right now, is our economy strong or weak, how do you know? Include indicators in your response.   Name______________ Reflection _____Date ______

18 Resouces  Images for the Internet.

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