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Leon Didič Locomotive Driver´s Union SLOVENIA. 3 Slovenske železnice, d. o. o. SŽ-Tovorni promet, d.o.o. (Freight Transport) 100 % SŽ-Tovorni promet,

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Presentation on theme: "Leon Didič Locomotive Driver´s Union SLOVENIA. 3 Slovenske železnice, d. o. o. SŽ-Tovorni promet, d.o.o. (Freight Transport) 100 % SŽ-Tovorni promet,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Leon Didič Locomotive Driver´s Union SLOVENIA


3 3 Slovenske železnice, d. o. o. SŽ-Tovorni promet, d.o.o. (Freight Transport) 100 % SŽ-Tovorni promet, d.o.o. (Freight Transport) 100 % SŽ-Potniški promet, d.o.o. (Passenger Transport) 100 % SŽ-Potniški promet, d.o.o. (Passenger Transport) 100 % SŽ- Infrastruktura, d.o.o. (Infrastructure ) 100 % SŽ- Infrastruktura, d.o.o. (Infrastructure ) 100 % SŽ-VIT, d.o.o. (Traction and Technical Services) 100% SŽ-VIT, d.o.o. (Traction and Technical Services) 100% SŽ-ŽGP, d.d. (Railway Constructio n Company) 79,82 % SŽ-ŽGP, d.d. (Railway Constructio n Company) 79,82 % SŽ-ŽIP, d.o.o. (Railway Company for Disabled Persons) 100 % SŽ-ŽIP, d.o.o. (Railway Company for Disabled Persons) 100 % Prometni institut, d.o.o. (Institute of Traffic and Transport) 100 % Prometni institut, d.o.o. (Institute of Traffic and Transport) 100 % SŽ- Železniška tiskarna, d.d. (Rail.Printing House) 64,28 % SŽ- Železniška tiskarna, d.d. (Rail.Printing House) 64,28 % Legend: Parent company Subsidiaries in the SŽ Group Note: -SŽ is 100% owned by the state -SŽ Group consists of the parent company and 9 subsidiaries – 3 of which are logistics companies -SŽ is the largest logistics company in Slovenia and the largest exporter of services – 90% of freight transports is performed for the international market Fersped, d.d. (forwarding company) 100 % Fersped, d.d. (forwarding company) 100 % Skupina Slovenske železnice – SŽ Group

4 CARGO 2007200820092010201120122013 Slovenske železnice - Tovorni promet, d.o.o. – FREIGHT TRANSPORT 100 93,0592,4693,7991,6290,81 Rail Cargo Austria, AG 4,686,744,076,296,18 Adria Transport, d.o.o. 2,270,82,142,093,01 PASSENGER TRANSPORT2007200820092010201120122013 Slovenske železnice - Potniški promet, d.o.o. - PASSENGER TRANSPORT 100

5 2007 2008200920102011201220132014 Transported goods (in 1000 tons) 19.24919.01415.49118.00818.58517.46319.18618.756 Domestic market1.8531.9151.6341.8701.4741.3691.5501.367 International market17.39617.09913.85716.13817.11116.09417.63717.389

6 COMPANY200720082009201020112012201320142015 FREIGHT TRANSPORT1.8991.8531.7661.5241.4951.3561.3121.3011.257 PASSENGER TRANSPORT721753723672666648623622605 INFRASTRUCTURE3.0673.0523.0182.7422.6622.4922.3552.3852.349 SŽ,D.O.O. - PARENT COMPANY450 438354319302453461459 TRACTION AND TECHNICAL SERVICES2.8762.9102.7692.4632.4012.2572.1382.1052.063 RAILWAY CONSTRUCTION COMPANY323364357383382335369360375 RAILWAY COMPANY FOR DISABLED PERSONS798780765717748754724716684 FORWARDING COMPANY 1111008579 INSTITUTE OF TRAFFIC AND TRANSPORT161820252322272625 RAILWAY PRINTING HOUSE1814 13 GROUP SŽ10.16810.1949.8708.8938.8208.2798.0998.0697.909 AVERAGE AGE200720082009201020112012201320142015 SŽ GROUP 43.3 43.843.544.945.245.746.547.1

7 2009-2013 – Agreement on austerity measures with trade unions within the SŽ Group :  introduction of 36-hours work week instead of 40 hours ( by the end of 2009 )  wage reduction of 5% ( by the end of 2013 )  temporary lay-offs with 85% of regular wage - mostly office workers ( average wage in railways: 1.470 EUR gross )  reduced level of payment for annual leave ( up to a minimum wage -790 EUR gross, instead of 70% of average wage – 1.100 EUR gross in RS )  temporary suspension of certain benefits ( health prevention, the reduction of funds for works councils,... )

8 Agreement with trade unions within the SŽ Group (2014-)  Wage increase of 3% ( from January 2015 )  The continuation of temporary lay-offs with 85% of regular wage  Abolition of reduced payment for annual leave  Promotion of retirement with higher severance pay than specified in the collective agreement ( CA: 3 month wages, promotion: 12 month wages )  Centralization of business processes, especially purchasing, financial accounting sector and the legal and human resources areas for cost reduction

9  Good business results, especially in freight transport  Poor state of infrastructure which is being partially renewed, but very slowly  Old rolling stock, which can not be replaced, in spite of good business results, due to previous loans

10 Employment:  discrepancy between needs and qualifications of employees  very low level of new employment,  only a few new employments from the external labor market  reassignment of employees within the SŽ Group to jobs where is shortage of stuff, such as conductors, shunters, drivers, maintenance workers, …  important role of the railway family, especially in lower- income employees,  employment in the rail is not attractive (not a cool job), although job security is at a very high level  necessary rejuvenation of employees ( average age 47,1 )

11  opposition to the privatization of individual companies within SŽ Group- a positive view to a partial privatization of the SŽ Group as a whole  initiative to conclude an agreement for the introduction of austerity measures in times of crisis  important linking role between the companies in the SŽ Group

12 Thank you for your attention! Leon Didič Locomotive Drivers’ Union Mail: Phone: +386 1 29 13 330

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