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The History of the Computer By: Tanner 6 th period.

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Presentation on theme: "The History of the Computer By: Tanner 6 th period."— Presentation transcript:

1 The History of the Computer By: Tanner 6 th period

2 First Computer The first computer was founded by David Packard and Bill Hewlett in a California garage. The first computer they produced was the HP 200A Audio Oscillator.


4 Debug Debug was written by Tim Paterson to serve this purpose in QDOS. IT was made for computers to determine whether a program is operating correctly

5 Internet The Internet was invented by a team of experts in 1957,when Russia sent Sputnik1 into space, to protect against Soviet missile attacks.


7 Analytical Engine It was invented by Charles Babbage It was designed as a special purpose calculator It held 1,000 numbers of 50 decimals each(20,7kB)


9 The Tabulating machine It was designed for summarizing information an was developed to process data for the 1890 U.S. Census

10 ENIAC (Electrical Numerical Integrator And Calculator It was invented by John Mauchly and John Preper Eckert for the American Army for calculating artillery-firing tables an ended up weighing 50 tons.

11 Program It is instructions written to do a special task for a computer

12 Transistors Almost everything is powered by a transistor. They are better than tubes because their lighter, more durable, smaller, and stronger

13 The Microcomputer The first microcomputer was invented in November of 1977 by Joe Felsenstein It had 16 k of RAM

14 What is the binary system? It is a decimal system that uses only 2 numbers 1 and 0. Every communication in your computer uses this binary system and it looks like this 101011101001100011010

15 Work cited ages/1939_HewlettPackard.jpg ages/1939_HewlettPackard.jpg e e am am 1.html 1.html es-using-transistors.html es-using-transistors.html

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