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Review Questions  How did Emancipation impact Jewish religious life?  On what ideas did the Reformers and Positive Historicists base their changes? 

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Presentation on theme: "Review Questions  How did Emancipation impact Jewish religious life?  On what ideas did the Reformers and Positive Historicists base their changes? "— Presentation transcript:

1 Review Questions  How did Emancipation impact Jewish religious life?  On what ideas did the Reformers and Positive Historicists base their changes?  Who was Abraham Geiger? What was his contribution to religious adaptation?  What were some of the significant issues discussed at the rabbinic conferences?

2 Modern Jewish Studies I Why and How to Study Judaism as an Academic Discipline

3 Modern Jewish Studies Discussion Groups  Why do you think it is important to study Judaism? For whom is it important?  How do we study Judaism? (topics, scientifically, spiritually, emotionally, etc.)  Why do you think colleges have Judaic studies departments? How might these departments be similar to/different from women’s studies, minority studies, history, language departments?  How might the study of Judaism in a college classroom differ from the study in a synagogue?  What did you, personally, want to get out of this class?

4 Study of History  17 th Century Something to be studied Could help us understand the present  Historians Job  record what really happened  Isolate facts from fiction Method  Scientific method  Objectivity and detachment

5 History and the Enlightenment  Enlightenment Reason is basis of authority Progress through science and rational thought  History Study of history compliments Enlightenment Free people from prejudice  Wissenschaft (science)

6 The Jewish Community  Anti – Semitism Hep! Hep Riots  Emancipation Assimilate Take advantage of what society has to offer  Religious Adaptation Change Judaism to keep up with modern times

7 Wissenschaft des Judentums  Definition: “The science of Judaism.” Also sometimes understood as “modern Jewish studies.” It is the application of the scientific quest for truth to the study of Jewish history

8 Tensions  Faith vs. Science  Alienation vs. Strengthened bonds  Multiple Agendas 1. Counter Anti-Semitism 2. Emancipation 3. Religious Adaptation

9 Beginnings I: Verein fur Cultur und Wissenschaft der Juden  Joel Abraham List (1780-1848) Director of private school for Jewish children Founder of the Society for the Culture and Science of the Jews  The Society for the Culture and Science of the Jews Members  Leopold Zunz  Abraham Geiger  Eduard Gans

10 Beginnings II: Verein fur Cultur und Wissenschaft der Juden Main Concern: Preserve the Jewish People  Move away from “Rabbinism”  Modern, integrated Jews  Wissenschaft der Judentums – phrase coined here Specific Goals: Education  Start institutions to study Judaism scientifically  Educate Jews  Training for Jewish children in crafts and agriculture

11 Next Class  Think about: What could Wissenschaft des Judentums do for the Jews of Europe?  Preview: Different thinkers – Different purposes Orthodox Reaction Changes in Jewish Study in the 20 th Century

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