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1 Regional Report San Joaquin River Hydrologic Region.

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1 1 Regional Report San Joaquin River Hydrologic Region

2 2 San Joaquin River Hydrologic Region

3 3 Watersheds and Water Sources  Local Surface Water Development  Imports & Exports (State, Federal)  Groundwater  Recycled Water

4 4 San Joaquin River Hydrologic Region Applied Water Uses Source: California WaterPlan Update 2005

5 5 San Joaquin River Hydrologic Region Water Supplies Source: California WaterPlan Update 2005

6 6 Regional Supply Challenges/Actions  Surface Water: Concern over the long-term availability of external supplies; concern over the long-term stability of the existing surface water supplies.  Restoring Ecosystem: Restore the ecosystem along the San Joaquin River below Friant Dam while maintaining water supply reliability for other purposes.  Integrity of Sacramento-San Joaquin levee system  Groundwater

7 7 Regional Water Management Planning  California Water Plan  50 Urban Water Management Plans  Prop. 50 & 84 Integrated Regional Water Management Plans  Groundwater Management Plans (AB 3030)  City & County General Plans (SB 221/610)  Court actions  Other regional and sub regional plans on water rights, water quality, ESA, contracts/transfers, and flood control

8 8 Climate Change   Temperature increase  Snowpack decrease  River runoff timing and magnitude changes  Effects on water rights  Water supply change  Water use increase  Water temperature increase  increase dam releases for temperature control for species  Tidal effects  threat to delta islands and supply facilities  relocation or modification of outfall facilities

9 9 Flood Management   National Flood Insurance Program   FEMA Floodplain Map Modernization   Local ordinance updates, technical assistance   Flood Subventions   Project funding available from Propositions 1E and 84   FloodSafe California   Develop and implement regional flood management to protect communities   Proposition 1E   Flood control subventions   Stormwater flood management   Flood protection corridors and bypasses

10 10 Region Accomplishments  Development of a Comprehensive plan for the flood management system of the Sacramento and San Joaquin River regions.  Development of the Vernalis Adaptive Management Plan as a 10-year test program.  Upper San Joaquin River Basin Storage Investigation.  Farmington Groundwater Recharge and Seasonal Habitat Program.  South San Joaquin County Surface Water Supply Project – various Cities & South San Joaquin Irrigation District to plan for a water treatment plant on the Stanislaus River.

11 11 Looking to the Future  Evaluate new local surface storage projects and investigations for water storage development.  Implement groundwater conjunctive use projects.  Increase efforts on water use efficiency & water recycling programs.  Urban expansion.  IRWM

12 12 IRWM Projects

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