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Fill in the gaps with “must, have to, can, OR their NEGATIVE forms” You ………………….………. cook tonight dear. We’ll have dinner out. Ok? You …………………….……. smoke.

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Presentation on theme: "Fill in the gaps with “must, have to, can, OR their NEGATIVE forms” You ………………….………. cook tonight dear. We’ll have dinner out. Ok? You …………………….……. smoke."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fill in the gaps with “must, have to, can, OR their NEGATIVE forms” You ………………….………. cook tonight dear. We’ll have dinner out. Ok? You …………………….……. smoke here. It is forbidden. My friends will come tonight. You ………..……………. be late. Come early. You ………………….………. give me a lift because I am in a hurry. Doctor: You …………….……………. take these pills after breakfast. Patient: Ok, doctor I see. I ………………………. take them after breakfast. You ……………….…………. wash the dishes. We have a washing machine. A person …………..……………. be over eighteen to get a driving licence. We ……………….…………. disturb the driver on a bus. The worker ……………..……………. come to the factory at eight. Needn’t Can’t Mustn’t Have to must HAVE TO NEEDN’T HAS TO Mustn’t Has to

2 Pesent SIMPLE or Pesent CONTINUOUS I ………………….………. (understand) you. Please speak slowly. The students are in the class. They …………….……………. (listen) to their teacher carefully. Don’t turn off the radio. I ……………….…………. (listen) it. Sena ………..……………(have) a car but she doesn’t drive to work everyday. Come here. We……………….…………. (have)lunch. The music ………………………….(sound) fantastic. I like it very much. The first lesson …………….…………….(begin) at half past eight here. I ………………….…….(take) regular exercises these days so I look fit. İrem …………….…………….(love) eating chocolate. I …………….(use) his computer because my computer is out of order. don’t understand Are listening Am listening HAS Are having soundS beginS Am taking loveS Am using

3 C. Fill in the gaps with a lot of, much, many, some, any, a few, a little … There are …………..…………. cars in the street. I can’t count them. I haven’t got money. Can you give me ………..……………. ? I can’t drink my tea. Because there isn’t ………..……………. sugar in it. Have you got …………..…………. friends at school? I am not rich. I haven’t got ………..……………. money to buy a lorry. Don’t eat ………..……………. rice. You will get fat. It is not necessary to eat ………………………. meat to be fit. There are …………………. unknown words I can’t understand the text. I know you are hungry. Would you like to eat ………..……………. cake? She doesn’t get …………..…………. pocket money every week. A lot of SOME ANY MANY MUCH A LOT OF SOME MUCH

4 P R E P O S I T I O N I always go jogging before breakfast ………..….. weekdays. Vahit is fond …………..…….. risky sports. Ebranur is going to take her camera ………..……….. her. Find the synonyms ………..……….. the following words. One must put …………..…….. his clothes and books. We must read a lot ……………..….. English. Look at the photos and talk ……..………….. them. Engin is getting married ………..……….. Sina. Who does the shopping ………..……….. the party? We are going to have a party ……..………….. home. ON OF WITH OF AWAY IN ABOUT FOR AT TO

5 SYNONYMS (=) or ANTONYMS (X) delicious = …………………….. refreshments = …………………….. bride x …………………….. dream (v) = …………………….. tick ( ) x …………………….. very tired = …………………….. title = …………………….. sequence = …………………….. different = …………………….. movie = …………………….. tasty Food & drinks groom imagine cross exhausted headline order various film

6 ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW What does a vegetarian eat? …………………………………………………………………………………… Where do you sit in the class? …………………………………………………………………………………… What don’t people do when they are fasting? …………………………………………………………………………………… When do people give parties? …………………………………………………………………………………… What does a couch potato do? …………………………………………………………………………………… He eatS fruit and vegetables. He eatS food WITHOUT meat. I sit in the first SEAT in the first ROW. They don’t eat ANYthing. When they graduate,When they get married, A couch potato / He always watchES tv. They give parties.

7 REwrite THESE SENTENCES 1. It is NOT NECESSARY for you to come. = You 2. It is FORBIDDEN to park here. = You 3. It is AN OBLIGATION for us to do our homework. = We Needn’t come. Don’t need to come Don’t have to come Can’t park here Mustn’t park here Have to do our homework

8 4. We DON’T NEED TO learn Chinese. = We 5. DON’T drive fast. You are in the city center. = You Needn’t learn Chinese Don’t have to learn Chinese Can’t drive fast. Mustn’t drive fast

9 a)first PUT THESE SENTENCES IN AN ORDER “NUMBER them” …………… Start to answer the questions …………… Give your paper to the teacher …………… Write your name and surname …………… Check your answers again …………… Write your number and class 1 2 3 4 5

10 use / write EXPRESSIONS of SEQUENCE. …………… Start to answer the questions …………… Give your paper to the teacher …………… Write your name and surname …………… Check your answers again …………… Write your number and class FIRST SECOND THEN NEXT FINALLY

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