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Multiplication properties. Multiplication properties.

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2 Multiplication properties

3 The order in which factors are multiplied doesn’t change the product.
Commutative Property The order in which factors are multiplied doesn’t change the product. Example: 7x8: 56 8x7: 56

4 Associative Property Two or more factors can be put into groups in different ways. The result will not change , no matter the order of the multiplicands. Example: 7 x 5 x 9 : 9 x 7 x 5 (7x5) X 9 : (9x7) x5 35 x 9 : 63 X 5 :

5 Distributive Property
When multiplying a number by the addition of other two, you have to multiply that number by each of the addends and then to add the obtained results. Example: 5 x ( 6 + 3) : ( 5x6 ) + ( 5 x 3) 5 x (9) : (30) + (15) 45 : 45

6 Identity property The product of any number and one is the same number. Example: 8, 458,892 x 1: 8, 458,892

7 Zero Property Any number multiplied by zero equals zero.
Example: 1, 036,892 x 0 : 0

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