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HerculesSon of Zeus Hera made Hercules insane because she was jealous of him He killed his own wife and children As punishment he had to perform 12 labors.

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Presentation on theme: "HerculesSon of Zeus Hera made Hercules insane because she was jealous of him He killed his own wife and children As punishment he had to perform 12 labors."— Presentation transcript:


2 HerculesSon of Zeus Hera made Hercules insane because she was jealous of him He killed his own wife and children As punishment he had to perform 12 labors for King Eurystheus If he could complete the labors he would regain his place in history and become an immortal himself!


4 Labor 1 Nemean LionHide so tough no arrow could pierce it Hercules strangled it with his bare hands He skinned the lion and wore its hide as a trophy!


6 Labor 2 Lernean HydraSnakelike Hydra with 9 heads If one of the heads got cut off, 2 would replace it! Hercules defeated the creature by having his assistant seal the wounds with a torch after he had cut a head off


8 Labor 3 Capture the HindDeer with gold horns Protected and watched by the goddess Artemis It took Hercules an entire year to track the hind down!


10 Labor 4 The Erymanthian Boar Terrorized the people of Mt. Erymanthus Hercules was able to defeat it by chasing it into a snowdrift


12 Labor 5 The Augean StablesOver 1000 cows lived in these stables The stables had not been cleaned in 30 years! Hercules bent two rivers so that they flowed into the stables, cleaning them out


14 Labor 6 The Stymphalian BirdClaws and beaks were sharp as swords and feathers flew like darts! Using a rattle made by Hephaestus, Hercules scared them from their nest and shot them with arrows


16 Labor 7 The Cretan BullA savage bull who could breathe fire! Hercules was able to wrestle it to the ground and return it to the king


18 Labor 8 Horses of DiomedesKing Diomedes fed these savage horses on human flesh! Hercules killed King Diomedes and fed him to his own horses After eating the king, miraculously the horses’ hunger for humans was satisfied


20 Labor 9 HippolyteHercules had to bring back the girdle of the Amazon queen The queen welcomed him, but Hera told Hippolyte lies In the end Hercules was forced to defeat the Amazons to secure the girdle


22 Labor 10 The Cattle of GeryonGeryon was a monster with 3 human bodies He guarded beautiful red cattle Hercules defeated Geryon and returned the cattle to the king


24 Labor 11 The Golden ApplesThe apples were guarded by Ladon, a dragon with 100 heads! Hercules had to enlist the help of the titan Atlas, who held up the earth, in order to obtain the apples


26 Labor 12 CerberusThe three-headed guard dog of the realm of Hades! Hercules had to defeat the beast without the aide of weapons! He was able to do so in order to complete his 12 th task!

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