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Ethical Dx of Therapy Practice Sheri L. Bjork, PT, MBA.

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Presentation on theme: "Ethical Dx of Therapy Practice Sheri L. Bjork, PT, MBA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ethical Dx of Therapy Practice Sheri L. Bjork, PT, MBA

2 Current Events

3 Patient Scenarios Disclaimer The scenarios in this course are a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of this author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual patients, therapists, business establishments, events or location is entirely coincidental.

4 Nickels, McHugh, McHugh. Making an Ethical Decision Is it Legal? Is it Balanced? How does it make you feel?

5 Is It Legal? Statutory Law Administrative Agencies

6 Statutory Law Written law Federal & State Legislative enactments Texas Physical Therapy Practice Act Title 3, Subtitle H, Chapter 453, Occupations Code August 2006 _Act_2006.pdf _Act_2006.pdf

7 Administrative Agencies Branches of the government created by Congress Power to issue rules, regulations, & orders Texas Board of Physical Therapy Examiners Rules Last publication June 2007 _currentrules.pdf _currentrules.pdf

8 ECPTPTE Physical Therapy Act – _2006.pdf _2006.pdf Physical Therapy Rules – rentrules.pdf rentrules.pdf

9 Is It Balanced? Professional Ethics Codes Professional Standards Facility Policies & Procedures Facility Mission Statement Others

10 CRITERIA FOR STANDARDS OF PRACTICE FOR PHYSICAL THERAPY m?Section=Marketing_Programs&TEMPL ATE=/CM/ContentDisplay.cfm&CONTENT ID=29748 m?Section=Marketing_Programs&TEMPL ATE=/CM/ContentDisplay.cfm&CONTENT ID=29748

11 APTA Guide for Professional Conduct ction=Ethics_and_Legal_Issues1&TEMPL ATE=/CM/ContentDisplay.cfm&CONTENT ID=41221 ction=Ethics_and_Legal_Issues1&TEMPL ATE=/CM/ContentDisplay.cfm&CONTENT ID=41221

12 APTA Guide for Conduct of the Physical Therapist Assistant ction=Ethics_and_Legal_Issues1&TEMPL ATE=/CM/ContentDisplay.cfm&CONTENT ID=41220 ction=Ethics_and_Legal_Issues1&TEMPL ATE=/CM/ContentDisplay.cfm&CONTENT ID=41220

13 Code of Ethics ction=Ethics_and_Legal_Issues1&TEMPL ATE=/CM/ContentDisplay.cfm&CONTENT ID=40904 ction=Ethics_and_Legal_Issues1&TEMPL ATE=/CM/ContentDisplay.cfm&CONTENT ID=40904

14 APTA Standards of Ethical Conduct for the Physical Therapist Assistant ction=Ethics_and_Legal_Issues1&TEMPL ATE=/CM/ContentDisplay.cfm&CONTENT ID=40903 ction=Ethics_and_Legal_Issues1&TEMPL ATE=/CM/ContentDisplay.cfm&CONTENT ID=40903

15 Professional Code of Ethics Not all therapists are members of the professional association. Are the ethical codes binding even if a therapist is not a member? Does each member agree with the Code of Ethics? What happens when professional codes conflict?

16 Moral Judgment--Balancing Patient rights & goals Physician orders/professional evaluation Values Religious/philosophical perception

17 Patient Rights Informed consent Respect for privacy Protect confidential information

18 Physician Order(s) Looking out for the patient’s well being Physician duty to uphold the Hippocratic Oath Professional Standard/Practice

19 Values/Religion/Philosophical Perceptions Quality Goals How?

20 Balancing? Am I acting fairly? Would I want to be treated this way? Is it a win-win situation?

21 Decision Making Legal documents –PT Practice Act & Rules Professional documents –Code of Ethics –Standards of Practice Moral judgment –Patient rights & values –Your values & philosophies –Others values & philosophies

22 How does it make you feel? Would I be able to discuss my actions with an immediate supervisor? Company client? How would I feel if my decision was announced on the evening news?

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