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Words for Production 1. tornado [ tOr`nedo ] n. [C] a violent and destructive windstorm over a small area; a whirlwind 龍捲風 There are nearly 1,000 tornados.

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3 Words for Production 1. tornado [ tOr`nedo ] n. [C] a violent and destructive windstorm over a small area; a whirlwind 龍捲風 There are nearly 1,000 tornados reported in the U.S. each year, some of which are very destructive.

4 Words for Production 2. twister [ `twIst2 ] n. [C] (colloq.) a tornado; a whirlwind 龍捲風,旋風 So far it seems that nothing can stop a twister from destroying things in its path. Would you like to know more...

5 twist [ twIst ] vt. 扭轉 Twist the knob to the right to open the door.

6 twist [ twIst ] n. [C] 扭轉 Mother gave the lid a twist; then, it came loose.

7 Words for Production 3. column [ `kAl1m ] n. [C] something which has a tall narrow shape 柱狀物 A huge column of smoke appeared above the volcano and frightened the villagers living at the foot of the mountain.

8 Words for Production 4. incredible [ In`krEd1bL ] adj. difficult to believe; amazing or fantastic 難以置信的,驚人的 It is incredible that an experienced premier like him should have made such a mistake at this international meeting.

9 Words for Production 5. enormous [ I`nOrm1s ] adj. very large; immense 巨大的,龐大的 The terrorist attack in the U.S. on September 11, 2001 caused an enormous panic not only in America but in the rest of the world.

10 Words for Production 6. inward [ `Inw2d ] adv. toward the inside 向內地 A breeze blew the curtains inward, making a little noise. Would you like to know more...

11 inward [ `Inw2d ] adj. 向內的,內部的 She gave an inward push, and then the door opened.

12 Words for Production 7. precisely [ prI`saIslI ] adv. exactly 精確地,正確地 The functions of this machine are described precisely in the handbook. Would you like to know more...

13 precise [ prI`saIs ] adj. 精確的,正確的 I don’t understand what you mean. Can you be more precise?

14 Words for Production 8. sufficient [ s1`fIS1nt ] adj. enough 足夠的 Ten days were quite sufficient for them to finish the assignment.

15 Words for Production 9. warning [ `wOrnI9 ] n. [U][C] (a) notice of danger 警告 I’m giving you a final warning— don’t be late again, or I’ll punish you. Would you like to know more...

16 warn [ wOrn ] vt. 警告,提醒注意 The doctor warned her that she might get lung cancer if she kept smoking.

17 Words for Production 10. suck [ s^k ] vi.; vt. to pull something with great power; to engulf 吸 ( 起 ) ,吞沒 PS. The example sentence are on the next page.

18 Words for Production 10. suck To prevent further damage to the sea life, the pollution-control team is at the scene and is due to start sucking up the oil leaking from the sunken ship. Don’t go swimming in the stream. The dangerous currents may suck you under the water.

19 Words for Production 11. tear [ tEr ] vt. to remove or pull something apart with force 掀掉,撕掉 He tore a page out of his notebook and wrote something down.

20 Words for Production 12. narrow [ `n8ro ] adj. small from one side to the other side 狹窄的 The roads in the city are too narrow to allow many cars to pass through at one time, which is why there are always traffic jams during rush hour. Would you like to know more...

21 narrowly [ `n8rolI ] adv. 勉強地,幾乎不 The drunken driver ran a red light at full speed and narrowly escaped being hit by a truck.

22 Words for Production 13. scatter [ `sk8t2 ] vi.; vt. to become less or less strong until something disappears completely; to drop or throw a lot of things over a wide area in an irregular way 消散; 撒 The mist soon scattered when the sun came out. The kid scattered toys all over the room.

23 Words for Production 14. notoriously [ no`torI1slI ] adv. in the state of being well-known for something bad 聲名狼藉地,惡名昭 彰地 Mr. White is a notoriously difficult man to get along with. Except his daughter, no one else could possibly stand his hot temper. Would you like to know more...

24 notorious [ no`torI1s ] adj. 聲名狼藉的,惡名昭彰的 The mountain district is notorious for its heavy fogs, which often make it very dangerous to drive.

25 Words for Production 15. witness [ `wItnIs ] vt. to be present at and see (an accident, event, etc.) 目擊 Being the only person that witnessed the mysterious creature in the lake, the man was asked by reporters to describe what he had seen. Would you like to know more...

26 witness [ `wItnIs ] n. [C] 目擊者 Witnesses to the crash said that they saw the airplane catch fire just before it fell apart.

27 Words for Production 16. thunderous [ `T^nd1r1s ] adj. extremely loud and deep 雷鳴般的 Amid thunderous applause, the President began his inauguration speech and talked about his future plans for the country. Would you like to know more...

28 thunder [ `T^nd2 ] n. [U] 雷鳴;雷鳴般的響聲 There’s thunder in the air. It looks as if it will rain at any moment.

29 Words for Production 17. freight [ fret ] n. [U] the carrying of goods by ships, planes, or trains 貨運 The airline company deals with freight only and has no travel service.

30 Words for Production 18. injured [ `IndZ2d ] adj. hurt or physically harmed 受傷的 The patient was told to stay in bed to rest his injured back. Would you like to know more...

31 injure [ `IndZ2 ] vt. 傷害,損害 Two men were badly injured in a car accident and quickly taken to a hospital for treatment.

32 injury [ `IndZ1rI ] n. [U][C] 傷害,損害 David suffered serious leg injuries in a car crash. He will never be able to walk again.

33 Words for Production 19. deadly [ `dEdlI ] adj. causing, or likely to cause death ( 可 能 ) 致命的 It is dangerous to eat wild mushrooms, for they may contain deadly poison.

34 Words for Production 20. illuminated [ I`lum1&netId ] adj. lit up by lights 發亮的,發光的 There is a big illuminated sign over the entrance to the movie theater, so you can’t miss it. Would you like to know more...

35 illuminate [ I`lum1&net ] vt. 照亮 In my childhood, I loved to watch fireflies illuminate the summer evenings just like tiny shining stars.

36 Words for Production 21. pop [ pAp ] vt. (infml.) to move something quickly with a short sharp explosive sound 砰的一 聲移動或放下 ( 某物 ) If you pop the pizza in the oven now, it should be ready in 10 minutes.

37 Words for Production 22. vehicle [ `viIkL ] n. [C] something used for transporting goods or passengers on land 交通工 具;車輛 It is necessary to have a license before one can drive any vehicle.

38 Words for Production 23. disastrous [ dIz`8str1s ] adj. extremely bad 災難的 The serious shortages of water and electricity have had a disastrous effect on the country’s economy. Would you like to know more...

39 disaster [ dIz`8st2 ] n. [C] 災難 The earthquake, occurring on September 21, 1999, was the worst natural disaster to hit Taiwan for decades.

40 Words for Production 24. bruise [ bruz ] n. [C] a discolored place where the skin of a human, animal, or fruit has been injured by a blow but not broken 瘀 傷 The little boy was covered in bruises after falling from the tall tree.

41 Words for Production 25. eliminate [ I`lIm1&net ] vt. to remove or get rid of 消弭,消除 If people think they may be allergic to a food or drink, they should eliminate it from their diet.

42 Words for Production 26. intensity [ In`tEns1tI ] n. [U] the strength or degree of something 強度 The intensity of Linda’s love for classical music led her to fly to Vienna to enter a musical school there. Would you like to know more...

43 intense [ In`tEns ] adj. 強烈的,劇烈的 He had an intense feeling of disappointment after being strongly criticized for his proposal.

44 intensify [ In`tEns1&faI ] vt. 加強,強化 As night closed in, the police intensified their search in the woods for the lost child.

45 1. funnel [ `f^nL ] n. [C] something that is narrow, or narrow at one end, through which a substance flows or is directed 漏斗狀物 Words for Recognition

46 2. Tri-State Tornado [ `traI`stet tOr`nedo ] n. (the ~) the most deadly US tornado, which took place on March 18, 1925, covering Missouri, Illinois, and Indiana, killing hundreds and destroying buildings and farms 龍捲風名 Words for Recognition

47 3. cone [ kon ] n. [C] a solid or hollow shape with a round base, sloping sides and a point at the top 圓錐形;圓錐物 Words for Recognition

48 4. electrocute [ I`lEktr1&kjut ] adv. to put to death by means of a powerful electric current 使觸電而死 Words for Recognition

49 5. pony [ `ponI ] n. [C] a small horse 矮種馬 ( 通常長到 130 至 140 公分左右 ) Words for Recognition

50 1. be made up of to be formed by 由 … 組成 The representative group attending the international meeting was made up of outstanding people from all fields. Idioms and Phrases

51 2. be associated with to be connected with; to be linked to 與 … 有關 Landslides occurring around the hills were normally associated with a construction project. Idioms and Phrases

52 3. be likely to to be probable to; to be expected to 有 可能 The first impression people get of Hong Kong is likely to be that everyone there is in a rush. Idioms and Phrases

53 4. due to because of 因為,由於 Due to the heavy rain and strong wind brought by the typhoon, the 16:30 flight to New York has been canceled. Idioms and Phrases

54 5. in time early or soon enough 及時,來得及 Cancer can be cured if it is discovered in time. Idioms and Phrases

55 6. in...terms from the point of view of 從 … 觀點來看 The novel has been well reviewed, but in sales terms it hasn’t been very successful. Idioms and Phrases

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