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+ 7 th Grade Vocabulary Unit 3. + Miso- A Greek prefix meaning hatred Misogynist A noun, refers to one who hates or distrusts women Misoneism Hatred or.

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Presentation on theme: "+ 7 th Grade Vocabulary Unit 3. + Miso- A Greek prefix meaning hatred Misogynist A noun, refers to one who hates or distrusts women Misoneism Hatred or."— Presentation transcript:

1 + 7 th Grade Vocabulary Unit 3

2 + Miso- A Greek prefix meaning hatred Misogynist A noun, refers to one who hates or distrusts women Misoneism Hatred or intolerance of change Misogamist Hates marriage

3 + Ortho- Greek prefix meaning straight, upright, and vertical Orthodontist A dentist who straightens teeth Orthograde An adjective, means walking with body upright or vertical Orthotics Supports or braces to straighten weak joints or muscles

4 + Caco- Something bad or vile Cacography Bad handwriting or spelling Cacophony Disagreeable or discordant sound Eu- Good Euphony Pleasant or harmonious sound Euphoria A feeling of well being

5 + Mania Passion or madness Megalomania A mental disorder characterized by delusions of greatness and power Bibliomania An excessive desire to possess or acquire books

6 + Megalo- Greek prefix meaning large or great Megalopolis A very large city Megalocardia Refers to an enlarged heart

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