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I’m awesome Michael Jordan By: Emma.

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1 I’m awesome Michael Jordan By: Emma

2 Michael Jordan was born on Brooklyn new York on February 17, 1963.
Birth till now Michael Jordan was born on Brooklyn new York on February 17, 1963.

3 Him In his game Childhood/Early life He loved to play sports when he was little. Baseball, football, and basketball.

4 His family. Family He lived with his mom and dad, two older brothers, one older sister, and one younger sister.

5 How he became popular Michael Jordan never let his team down, even when he failed. Thanks to him, they made the championship. Jordan’s popularity all stated when he scored the winning goal in 1982 in the NCAA against Georgetown Hoyas.

6 Fun Fact In 1996 he was selected as one of the Greatest Players in Basketball History. Michael Jordan barely won a trophy in a one on one slam dunk Championship.

7 Timeline He was born on February 17,1963 New York. At the age of five, Michael started playing baseball for 2 incomplete seasons. After baseball he played football for a few years. Then he played Basketball until he was 40. In 1982 he scored the winning goal against Georgetown Hoyas. In 1996 he was selected as one of the greatest Basketball players in history. Michael Jordan won a trophy on a one on one slam dunk contest.

8 Rescores Jordan
Air Jordan’s #23-a Michael Jordan tribute Jordan’s: Biography Jordan id=

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