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Some conclusions: Glyphosate and AMPA: re-found in 15 out of 28 small water supply plants, where glyphosate and AMPA were found in 2001/2002. Glyphosate.

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Presentation on theme: "Some conclusions: Glyphosate and AMPA: re-found in 15 out of 28 small water supply plants, where glyphosate and AMPA were found in 2001/2002. Glyphosate."— Presentation transcript:


2 Some conclusions: Glyphosate and AMPA: re-found in 15 out of 28 small water supply plants, where glyphosate and AMPA were found in 2001/2002. Glyphosate and AMPA were found in 14 wells and in 1 drilling located in the bottom of a well => wells are much more vulnerable compared to drillings extracting ground water from deeper reservoir’s. Glyphosate and AMPA sources are presumably adjacent fields at 5 small water plants. At 4 plants the pollution originated from local courtyards. The remaining sources were of different characters => every plant - it’s history. Glyphosat/AMPA concentrations in the well water decreases with increasing distance to possible sources. The well water were characterized by ground water originating from fractured till.

3 Background: Glyphosate and AMPA were found frequently in upper ground water reservoir’s in Storstøm Small Water Plants with findings of glyphosate / AMPA.

4 Background: distribution of AMPA in 4 counties. (Map- thickness of sediments over chalk)

5 Background: BAM in small water plants (Map – pre quartenary, green = chalk)

6 New project implemented in 2005: 38 small water plants with previous findings of glyphosate/AMPA in Storstrøm analytical program - Glyphosate/ AMPA, BAM, coliform bacteria, selected main components (NO3, SO4, Fe++, etc.) interview Hand drillings, sampling of ground water Multivariable statistic work

7 Glyphosate and AMPA re-found in 15 plants out of 28 investigated. 4 plants closed + 8 inactive = 12 plants not running => app. 30% of the previous investigated plants are closed

8 Distribution of glyphosate/AMPA in different types of plants 28 investigated plants

9 0,001 0,01 0,1 1 10 januar februar marts april maj juni juli august september oktober november december Konc i µg/l. KøbenhavnStorstrømSønderjyllandViborgStorstrøm ny Glyphosate/AMPA, sample month and concentration. Results from 2001/2002 and from Storstrøm 2005

10 Glyphosate/AMPA concentrations and groundwater table in hand drillings and wells Samples analyzed for glyphosate and AMPA

11 water samples with findings of E.coli and coliform bacteria. 71 samples Hand drilling – findings of coliform bacteria and E.coli against depth of water table in hand drillings. Maximum counted bacteria -160

12 Possible source areas

13 Concentration and distance to possible scource. Water samples with findings of glyphosate/AMPA from wells and plants. Detection limit 0,01µg/l

14 Geological description Isseg. – ice segmentation in till





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