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Welcome to Jeopardy! Please raise your hand to answer. An answer must be in the form of a question. Each correct answer is worth five extra credit points.

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2 Welcome to Jeopardy! Please raise your hand to answer. An answer must be in the form of a question. Each correct answer is worth five extra credit points. The maximum daily score is 25 points. Each incorrect answer costs five extra credit points. All negative scores will be cancelled at the end of the game (today).

3 When a turntable rotates, a ladybug sitting on the edge does this. What is revolve? In rotational motion, the meaning of RPM. What is revolutions per minute? The units or RPM. What are min -1 ? An adjective, used with force or acceleration,, meaning center-seeking. What is centripetal?

4 In circular motion with speed v, this is the formula for centripetal acceleration a. What is a = v 2 /r? The first American roller coaster was constructed in this year. What is 1884? For ladybugs inside a tire on a rotating wheel, the direction of up. What is toward the center? This is another name for spin. What is rotation.

5 .In circular motion, this kind of speed (distinct from rotational speed) is directly proportional to distance from the axis of rotation. What is linear speed? This is another name for linear speed in circular motion. What is tangential speed? The part of the Earth’s surface with the greatest linear speed relative to Earth’s axis. What is the equator?

6 This is how tangential speed is related to rotational speed. What is tangential speed ~ rotational speed? This is how tangential speed is related to radial distance. What is tangential speed ~ radial distance? When a car turns on a curve, the centripetal acceleration is usually provided by this force. What is the sideways-acting friction between tires and road?

7 This is an accelerated motion at constant speed. What is circular motion at constant speed? This scientist discovered that the centripetal acceleration of the moon about Earth could be interpreted as due to gravity. Who was Isaac Newton? Newton also discovered this about gravity. What is the dependence of the interaction on the square of the distance between moon and Earth?

8 This fictitious force can be used to simulate or counteract gravity. What is the centrifugal force? This is the reason for calling centrifugal forces fictitious. What is causation by rotation or revolution of the coordinate system, rather than causation by an interaction? Stretched end to end, the DNA in the cells of one human being would reach this far. What is to the sun and back 4000 times?

9 Thank you for playing Jeopardy!


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