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Should I Take a Supplement? The University of Georgia Cooperative Extension.

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Presentation on theme: "Should I Take a Supplement? The University of Georgia Cooperative Extension."— Presentation transcript:

1 Should I Take a Supplement? The University of Georgia Cooperative Extension

2 Supplements Are Only a Safety Belt They do not replace a healthy diet and regular physical activity We don’t even know all the nutrients in one single food

3 But There are Possible Benefits May reduce risk for heart attacks May lower risk for colorectal cancer May improve brain function May improve immunity

4 Supplemental Drinks No proven benefit in healthy adults Some benefit for those who are bedridden in preserving muscle mass

5 What Brands are Better? Store brands just as good Buy senior formulas without iron unless anemic In general, don’t exceed 100% of Daily Value (%DV) unless recommended by doctor

6 Nutrients that Probably Need Supplementing B 12 –Synthetic doesn’t need stomach acid to be absorbed Folic Acid –Synthetic better absorbed Vitamin D –Just need a lot

7 Vitamin D If in sun 2-3 times per week in Southern U.S. for 15 minutes at a time may not need supplement Otherwise need a total of about 400-600 I.U. from supplements and low fat or skim milk.

8 Glucosamine-Chondroitin May help with arthritis pain relief Seems to have greater effect if severe pain

9 Fish Oil American Heart Association only recommends for those with heart disease Eat fish high in omega-3 fatty acids twice a week Don’t mix with blood thinners

10 Supplements that May or May Not Help Calcium – recent study questioned its benefit for osteoporosis prevention Vitamin E –controlled studies discount its benefit for heart and cancer prevention

11 Supplements Not Controlled FDA does not approve like other drugs FDA has to prove unsafe or ineffective after on market Just because recalled, doesn’t mean not being still sold If have bad reaction, report to FDA Call 1-800-322-1088

12 can’t be sure supplement contains the ingredients in the doses listed

13 Dangerous Supplements Aristolochia Yohimbe Bitter Orange Organ and glandular extract Chapparral Comfrey Kava Pennyroyal oil Lobelia Germander Androstenedione

14 Take Supplements Safely Tell your doctor and pharmacist what you are taking to prevent drug interactions Don’t use any for weight control If having surgery, ask doctor if should be stop taking 2-3 weeks ahead

15 Question the Claims Who is promoting the supplement? Are they trying to educate or sell? Do they have valid studies from well- known journals to prove effectiveness? Does this sound too good to be true? Are they encouraging you to promote to others? Could this be harmful to you or your pocketbook?

16 WArning Don’t stop a drug to take a supplement without consulting with the doctor first!

17 Summary A daily multivitamin may help Do not take more than 100% of the Daily Value without your doctor’s advice Buy store brands Tell your doctor and pharmacist about all the drugs and supplements you take

18 Check your knowledge True or false. Store brands of vitamins are not as good as name brands. True or false. You may need a supplement with Vitamin D. Are you more or less likely to take large doses of supplements?

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