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Pablo Chalmeta Pat Huber New River Community College Dublin, VA.

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1 Pablo Chalmeta Pat Huber New River Community College Dublin, VA


3  VCCS Developmental Education Task Force ◦ Convened September 2008 ◦ Year-long work ◦ Review developmental education practices ◦ Recommend changes

4  Reduce the need for developmental education;  Reduce the time to completion for developmental education;  Increase the success rates (graduation or transfer) for developmental education students.

5  60% of community college students took at least one developmental education course;  44% of community college students took more than one developmental course. National Center for Education Statistics. (2003). National Education Longitudinal Study: 1988-2000 Data files and electronic codebook system. Cited in The Turning Point.

6  Community College Research Center ◦ Research Report for the VCCS  Fall 2004 cohort (first-time-in-college, program- placed) ◦ 52% enrolled in at least one developmental course  Of these, 43% took more than one developmental course ◦ Of those beginning in developmental math, only 36% of transfer students enrolled in college-level math within 4 years. ◦ Non-developmental students are almost twice as successful as those requiring developmental education.

7 Completion Rates for Developmental Math Courses Note : The rates are for students placed in transfer programs. Developmental course levels were defined as follows: Level-1 Math: MTH 01, MTH 02, and MTH 09; Level-2 Math: MTH 03; and Level-3 Math: MTH 04, MTH 05, MTH 06, and MTH 07. Students in the decision zones were coded as being recommended to take developmental courses. Community College Research Center. (2009). Strategies for Promoting Gatekeeper Course Success Among Students Needing Remediation: Research Report for the Virginia Community College System. A. Students Referred to Level-3 Math (Algebra II or Higher) Level 3 (N) 1,817 Completed: 24.2% Did not enroll/pass: 75.8%

8 B. Students Referred to Level-2 Math (Algebra I) Community College Research Center. (2009). Strategies for Promoting Gatekeeper Course Success Among Students Needing Remediation: Research Report for the Virginia Community College System. Level 2 (N) 4,075 Level 3 Completed: 21.6% Did not enroll/pass: 19.5% Did not enroll/pass: 58.9% Pass

9 C. Students Referred to Level-1 Math (Pre-Algebra) Community College Research Center. (2009). Strategies for Promoting Gatekeeper Course Success Among Students Needing Remediation: Research Report for the Virginia Community College System. Level 1 (N) 1,503 Level 2Level 3 Pass Did not enroll/pass: 50.8% Did not enroll/pass: 26.0% Did not enroll/pass: 13.0% Completed: 10.3%

10  College Readiness  Fall 2006: 2006 high school graduates from service region who came to NRCC in Fall 2006 and took placement test (FTIC, program-placed) ◦ 80% needed remediation ◦ 68% needed math remediation  Of those who took MTH 03 (Alg. I): ◦ 40% successful – first attempt ◦ Remaining 60% - half (50%) never returned ◦ 40% of NRCC graduates take at least one developmental course.

11  Fall 2008: All entering students (except Dual Enrollment) who took placement test (FTIC, program-placed) ◦ 87.9% needed remediation ◦ 87.1% needed math remediation ◦ Of those who took MTH 03 (Alg I):  46% successful – first attempt  Of remaining 54%:  25% re-enrolled in MTH 03  21% never returned


13 1. The VCCS must redesign English, Mathematics and Reading developmental education. 2. Virginia’s Community Colleges must collaborate with its K-12 partners to reduce the need for developmental education.



16 4 - 20 credits and 1-4 semesters to complete developmental math. Pros:  A large number of contact hours with instructor.  Repetition of important material

17 Cons:  Can take 2 years to finish developmental sequence.  Student can pass the class and not learn key concepts.  The cost is high. (textbooks and tuition)  52-58% success rate. (33% for students who repeat)  “one size fits all” math. (Current system builds towards calculus.)

18 Current Path Arithmetic Algebra II Algebra I College Credit Math Course

19 Current Path Arithmetic Algebra II Algebra I College Credit Math Course EXIT point


21 Goal 1: Reduce the overall need for developmental education Goal 2: Reduce time to complete developmental math to one year Goal 3: Increase developmental education success rates

22  The content of the developmental mathematics curriculum will be revised.  The content will be organized into pre- college units that are equivalent to one credit hour (16 contact hours) of study.

23  The VCCS will develop and implement new web-based, adaptive placement and diagnostic instruments.  The VCCS will investigate the use of a system-level, enterprise system for early alert and tracking to strengthen student services.

24  Each college will be able to select a delivery mode that best supports and enhances the pre-college mathematics program at its institution.

25  Program Evaluation: An internal, college-level program review of developmental education should be developed.  Professional Development: Professional development opportunities for full-and part- time faculty teaching developmental courses should be available on a regular and consistent basis.

26  Cooperation with local school divisions: Colleges’ cooperative efforts with local school divisions should be enhanced and expanded upon to reduce the need for developmental mathematics prior to student enrollment in a community college.

27  Students take only the units that they need. ◦ Curriculum specific units ◦ Determined by placement following a diagnostic assessment  Students must demonstrate mastery in a unit to move to the next unit.  If a student does not pass a unit, only that unit must be repeated.

28 The Critical Point page 14


30 Academics/DevelopmentalEd

31  Write, simplify, and compare fractions  Perform operations with fractions  Solve applications using U.S. customary units of measurement

32  Demonstrate the meaning of decimal numbers  Perform operations with decimals  Demonstrate the relationship among fractions, decimals, and percents  Solve basic percent problems  Read and interpret basic graphs  Convert units of measure  Solve application problems using U.S. customary and metric units of measurement

33  Demonstrate proper use of exponents  Simplify expressions involving signed numbers  Write numbers in scientific notation  Simplify algebraic expressions  Evaluate a formula  Solve one-step equations  Solve problems using proportions

34  Solve first degree equations in one variable  Solve a formula or equation for one of its variables  Solve first degree absolute value equations containing a single absolute value  Solve first degree inequalities in one variable  Solve application problems

35  Define the properties of the rectangular coordinate system  Graph a linear equation in two variables  Graph a linear inequality in two variables  Find the slope of a line  Write an equation of a line  Solve systems of linear equations  Use function notation  Solve application problems

36  Perform operations on exponential expressions using the rules of exponents  Define, add, subtract, multiply and divide polynomials  Factor polynomials  Solve polynomial equations using factoring techniques  Solve application problems

37  Identify a rational algebraic expression  Simplify rational algebraic expressions  Perform arithmetic operations with rational algebraic expressions  Solve rational algebraic equations  Solve application problems

38  Perform operations (simplify, rationalize, add, subtract, multiply) on radicals and radical expressions  Solve radical equations  Define imaginary numbers  Simplify square roots of negative numbers using the imaginary unit  Solve application problems involving radicals

39  Identify the domain and range of the function  Find all roots and the vertex of quadratic equations  Graph a quadratic function  Solve application problems from geometry, economics, applied physics, and other disciplines


41  McCann Associates ◦  April – Pilot Testing of Questions  May 25 – “First Look”

42 Unit 1 Operations with Positive Fractions Unit 5 Linear Equations, Inequalities and Systems of Linear Equations in Two Variables Unit 4 First Degree Equations and Inequalities in One Variable Unit 3 Algebra Basics Unit 2 Operations with Positive Decimals and Percents Unit 6 Exponents, Factoring and Polynomial Equations Unit 9 Functions, Quadratic Equations and Parabolas Unit 8 Rational Exponents and Radicals Unit 7 Rational Expressions and Equations Placement 1 (Liberal Arts) Placement 2 (STEM/Business Administration) Note: Career Technical: Curriculum-Specific Units

43 The Critical Point page 14


45  VP – Instruction and Student Services  Associate VP for Student Learning  Dean of Arts and Sciences  Dean of Business and Technologies  Director of Student Services  Director of Financial Aid  Cluster Leader – Math  Math Instructor – VCCS Developmental Math Curriculum Team  Director of Distance Education and Off-Campus Services

46  Director of Institutional Effectiveness  Director of Technology Services  Registrar  Testing Administrator – Placement Testing  Enrollment Management Coordinator  Director of Volunteer Services/Connection Center  Counselor  Project Coordinator – HITE  Math Faculty – separate implementation team with representation on College team

47  March 24 ◦ Overview ◦ Brainstorming – Issues to Address  Areas of Responsibility/Division of Duties  Plan/Implementation – Pilot Testing  June 1 – Proposals – Schedule/Logistics

48  Curriculum Defined (VCCS)  Pilot Testing  Method of Course Delivery  Classroom Support  Textbook  Working Draft – Class Schedule  Tentative Plan for Course/Unit Development


50  Computer-Assisted Instruction  48-station computer lab dedicated to math instruction 

51  NRCC has used for several years  MTH 02, MTH 03, MTH 04  Alignment – VCCS Curriculum Guide for Developmental Mathematics: Units 1 – 9  Publishing Textbook for NRCC  One Textbook – all 9 units  Software ◦ Instruct ◦ Homework ◦ Quizzes/Tests ◦ Final

52  Offer all 9 units at one time  1 (or 2) instructor(s) – depending on number of credits  1 lab assistant (BS in Math)  2 – 4 embedded tutors  Ratio: 1:10  Pull-out for individualized instruction/help

53  14-Week Semester  Student may complete 4 units per semester  Dynamically-dated sessions – definite start and end dates Day Classes  Day classes meet 3 times per week (MWF) – 80 minutes  10 class meetings to complete one unit (1 credit) ◦ 80 minutes x 10 meetings = 800 minutes ◦ 750 minutes – instruction; 50 minutes – exam

54  1 “open” day between end of one session and beginning of next session Evening Classes  Evening classes meet 2 times per week (MW or TR) – 150 minutes (135 minutes for instruction; 15 minute break)  6 class meetings to complete 1 unit (1 credit) ◦ 135 minutes x 6 meetings = 810 minutes ◦ 750 minutes – instruction; 50 minutes – exam  1 “open” day between end of one session and beginning of next session





59  Course Plans  Load homework, quizzes, tests into software  Develop final exam  6 full-time math faculty and lab assistant, divided into teams  Each team – 3 units  Compensation for summer course development

60  Focus on number of credits instead of number of students

61  Students may complete 4 credits per semester; faculty compensated for 4 credits per semester.

62  Informational “Campaign” for Students, Faculty, Staff  Decisions for Students “in progress” in Current System (VCCS)  Decisions Regarding Placement for CTE (O/T) Classes (VCCS)  Repeats – Students Not Successful (Logistics)  Financial Aid Implementation – Registration for all modules at beginning of semester


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