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Assessment booklet Complete the long exam type question in your assessment booklet - Read the question carefully and highlight key phrases What is the.

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Presentation on theme: "Assessment booklet Complete the long exam type question in your assessment booklet - Read the question carefully and highlight key phrases What is the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Assessment booklet Complete the long exam type question in your assessment booklet - Read the question carefully and highlight key phrases What is the question asking Be careful with spelling and grammar 8 mins Swop booklets with your pair and assess: Clarity of answer Grammar Spelling content

2 P6 – Electricity for Gadgets Lesson 6 – Logic gates Learning aim: Demonstrate an understanding of logic gates and circuits in electrical systems

3 Learning Objectives Success Criteria Recognise the link between transistors and logic gates. Describe truth tables for logic gates. Draw transistor diagrams for AND gates. Recall what is joined together to make logic gates and what the input means in terms of voltage.(Grade E-D) Describe the truth tables for a NOT gate.(Grade E-D) Recall how other logic gates can be made and draw truth tables for an OR gate.(Grade C) Recognise/Complete the circuit diagram for an AND gate and describe its truth table.(Grade D-A) Describe truth tables for NAND and NOR gates.(Grade C-A)

4 MHW3 Research Michael Faraday Be able to describe in 3 sentences Why he is a famous scientist Research Michael Faraday Be able to describe in 3 sentences Why he is a famous scientist

5 On white boards draw the symbols for the below textbook p240-241 Help: Logic gateCircuit symbol NOT OR AND

6 Logic gateCircuit symbol NOR NAND Use the textbook 241to fill in the table below in your book:

7 Read pg240 Answer question 6 and 7 Then What is the input signal in a logic gate in terms of voltage? Answer question 6 and 7 Then What is the input signal in a logic gate in terms of voltage? Answer: Q6 0 V Q7 0 V

8 NOT InputOutput 0 1 1 0 NOT gate inverts the input signal. The output is NOT the input

9 OR Input AInput BOutput 00 01 10 11 0 1 1 1 Output is 1 if input A OR input B is 1.

10 AND Input AInput BOutput 00 01 10 11 0 0 0 1 Output is 1 only if input A AND input B are 1.

11 NAND Input AInput BOutput 00 01 10 11 1 1 1 0 Output is the opposite of an AND gate. The output in NOT an AND HT

12 NOR Input AInput BOutput 00 01 10 11 1 0 0 0 Output is the opposite of an OR gate. The output is NOT and OR HT

13 Draw a truth table to find the output of this combination

14 Experiment P6c02 part A or B

15 To do Read through p241 in the text book and answer questions 8-9 on whiteboards Complete worksheet P6c02 Q1 Then challenge/ HT Q2 Read through p241 in the text book and answer questions 8-9 on whiteboards Complete worksheet P6c02 Q1 Then challenge/ HT Q2 Answer: Q8 AND gate Q9 OR gate

16 Answers to WS p6c02 Q1a(i) off; off; off; on Q1a(ii) AND Qb(i) off off off; off on on; on off on; on on on Q1b(ii) OR Q2a(i) 1 Q2a(ii) 0 Q2a(iii) NOT Q2b(i) C = 0, 0, 0, 1; D = 1, 1, 1, 0 Q2b(ii) AND.

17 Now try Q10 System input X System input Y AND gate input x AND gate input y Output Z 00111 01100 10010 11000 HT

18 Some problems to solve The pump on a central heating system is switched on at room temperature if the system is switched on (with the slide switch). When the temperature rises the pump needs to be switched off. Design a circuit that will sound a buzzer if the temperature of a hot radiator falls during the day ONLY. Include a test switch to check the operation of the buzzer. Design a circuit for a gardener that will warn them of cold conditions at night. The alarm should be able to be switched off. The pump on a central heating system is switched on at room temperature if the system is switched on (with the slide switch). When the temperature rises the pump needs to be switched off. Design a circuit that will sound a buzzer if the temperature of a hot radiator falls during the day ONLY. Include a test switch to check the operation of the buzzer. Design a circuit for a gardener that will warn them of cold conditions at night. The alarm should be able to be switched off.

19 Plenary questions

20 Name this circuit symbol. A. NAND B. NOR C. NOT D. OR

21 Name this circuit symbol. A. NAND B. NOR C. NOT D. OR

22 A. AND B. NAND C. NOT D. OR Name this circuit symbol.

23 A. OR B. NAND C. NOT D. NOR Name this circuit symbol.

24 A. AND B. NAND C. NOT D. OR Name this circuit symbol.

25 Learning Objectives Success Criteria Recognise the link between transistors and logic gates. Describe truth tables for logic gates. Draw transistor diagrams for AND gates. Recall what is joined together to make logic gates and what the input means in terms of voltage.(Grade E-D) Describe the truth tables for a NOT gate.(Grade E-D) Recall how other logic gates can be made and draw truth tables for an OR gate.(Grade C) Recognise/Complete the circuit diagram for an AND gate and describe its truth table.(Grade D-A) Describe truth tables for NAND and NOR gates.(Grade C-A)

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