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Can I Trust My Bible? Reliability of the Old & New Testament.

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2 Can I Trust My Bible? Reliability of the Old & New Testament

3 Question What specific issues have you heard raised against the reliability of the Bible as an historical document? Why might it be important to establish it as historically before getting into defending it being “God’s Word”?

4 “Christian Faith is not an irrational leap. Examined objectively, the claims of the Bible are rational propositions well supported by reason and evidence.” Chuck Colson “Defend the Bible? I would as soon defend a lion! Unchain it and it will defend itself.” Charles Spurgeon

5 Before we begin… Do not get bogged down in the details. I am not expecting you to remember all of them, but just be aware that they exist. Think about questions you would have regarding some of these things and think through the information. It is good to just know that there is support so that you don’t get “tossed by every wind of doubt”.

6 Tests of Reliability Bibliographical –How many copies? –How early are those copies (distance of dates)? External evidence –What do other authors say that were writing at the same time? –What archeological/historical evidence do we have for/against the report of this document? Internal evidence –What does the document claim to be? –Is that message consistent throughout the document(s)?

7 Bibliographical Evidence How many copies? How early are those copies?

8 The Old Testament professionalsThe Scribes were professionals. They believed they were transcribing the Word of God and were therefore very careful. The earliest complete copy of the Old Testament is the Massoretic Text, written in Hebrew, from around 900 A.D.

9 The Old Testament middle When the Massoretes copied a book, they would add up the letters and find the middle letter. If it didn’t match the original, they tore it up and made a new one.

10 The Dead Sea Scrolls thousands The Dead Sea Scrolls comprise thousands of fragments from every book of the Hebrew Old Testament except Esther, including a complete copy of the book of Isaiah. They were found in about a dozen caves near Qumran, Israel between 1949 and 1956. The manuscripts were dated by Carbon-14, style of writing, spelling, and pottery at between 300 B.C. to 100 A.D. This is over 1000 years earlier than the Massoretic text.

11 The Dead Sea Scrolls 95%The Dead Sea Scrolls agree at a 95% level with the Massoretic Text. The remaining 5% is due to spelling changes.

12 The Old Testament The Septuagint or LXX (thought to be translated by 70 Jewish scholars in Alexandria) 200 B.CThe Septuagint is a Greek translation of the Old Testament from around 200 B.C. and is what Jesus and the New Testament writers quoted from and strongly agrees with the Massoretic text.

13 Conclusion about the OT skepticism In his book, Can I Trust My Bible (p. 129-130), R. Laird Harris concluded, “We can now be sure that copyists worked with great care and accuracy on the Old Testament, even back to 225 B.C.... indeed, it would be rash skepticism that would now deny that we have our Old Testament in a form very close to that used by Ezra when he taught the word of the Lord to those who had returned from the Babylonian captivity.”

14 New Testament Biographical Evidence The degree of validity for a historical document is measured by the number of manuscripts (copies) in existence, and the date of the manuscript.The degree of validity for a historical document is measured by the number of manuscripts (copies) in existence, and the date of the manuscript. How many for Homer’s “Iliad”?How many for Homer’s “Iliad”? – 643 manuscripts – 643 manuscripts Do we trust Aristotle’s poetic writings?Do we trust Aristotle’s poetic writings? – written is 343BC, and earliest manuscript is dated 1100 AD (almost 1400 years). – written is 343BC, and earliest manuscript is dated 1100 AD (almost 1400 years). Does anyone doubt the validity of these? Do you think this sounds like a large number of manuscripts??Does anyone doubt the validity of these? Do you think this sounds like a large number of manuscripts?? New Testament – 20,000 manuscripts, and the date between the original and the manuscripts is too small to be accounted for, according the manuscript experts.New Testament – 20,000 manuscripts, and the date between the original and the manuscripts is too small to be accounted for, according the manuscript experts.

15 BookWhen Written Earliest Copy Time Span # Of Extant Manuscripts Iliad by Homer 800 B.C. 400 B.C/400 years1,757 Annals of Imperial Rome by Tacitus 116 A.D.850 A.D.700 years20 The Jewish War by Josephus 90 A.D.900-1100 A.D. 900 years9 Greek New Testament 40-100 A.D. 200-300 A.D. 100-200 years 99 Greek New Testament 40-100 A.D. 350-800 A.D. 250-700 years 306 Greek New Testament 40-100 A.D. 125-1000 A.D. 25-900 years 5,664 Other Languages 40-100 A.D. 350-1000 A.D. 250-900 years 18,000 *Most updated evidence shows that we have 5,366 manuscripts dating less than 40 years from the original writing.

16 “ The number of manuscripts of the New Testament, of early translations from it, and of quotations from it in the oldest writers of the Church, is so large that it is practically certain that the true reading of every doubtful passage is preserved in some one or the other of these ancient authorities. This can be said of no other ancient book of the world. ” (Sir Frederick Kenyon, The Bible and Archaeology, Harper, New York, 1940, p. 55) New Testament

17 substantially “ The interval, then, between the dates of original composition and the earliest extant evidence becomes so small as to be in fact, negligible, and the last foundation for any doubt that the Scriptures have come down to us substantially as they were written has now been removed. Both the authenticity and the general integrity of the books of the New Testament may be regarded as finally established. ” (Sir Frederick Kenyon, The Bible and Archaeology, Harper, New York, 1940, p. 288)

18 Canon of the Bible Internal witness of the Spirit Apostolic in origin or sanction Usage by the Church (at that time) Content of the letter (and how it agrees with other works) Spiritual and moral effect Attitude of the early church No evidence that we have “missing books” as is sometimes suggested

19 Biographical Evidence Why might this information be important? Were you familiar with this information before? If not, how might this impact your faith?

20 External Evidence What do other authors say that were writing at the same time? What archeological/historical evidence do we have for/against the report of this document?

21 External Evidence If a document contradicts history, we know it is false (like the Book of Mormon).If a document contradicts history, we know it is false (like the Book of Mormon). History and our understanding of it help us to understand the future and the things we must know. The Bible must stand true in light of history if it is to be considered true.History and our understanding of it help us to understand the future and the things we must know. The Bible must stand true in light of history if it is to be considered true. Why is this necessary?Why is this necessary? Have you heard evidence for/against the Bible?Have you heard evidence for/against the Bible?

22 External Evidence “No archaeological discovery has ever controverted a biblical reference. Scores of archaeological findings have been made which confirm in clear outline or exact detail historical statements in the Bible.” Nelson Glueck (Jewish Archaeologist). “No archaeological discovery has ever controverted a biblical reference. Scores of archaeological findings have been made which confirm in clear outline or exact detail historical statements in the Bible.” Nelson Glueck (Jewish Archaeologist). In actuality, a lot of what we know about history is drawn from the Bible.In actuality, a lot of what we know about history is drawn from the Bible. Even more, many archaeologists setting out to disprove the Bible have become Christians as a result of their findings.Even more, many archaeologists setting out to disprove the Bible have become Christians as a result of their findings.

23 External Evidence – Archaeology fragmentaryArcheology is an inexact science dealing with fragmentary evidence from unrepeatable events. Therefore interpretations depend heavily on prior assumptions.

24 Genesis 2580-2450The Ebla Tablets were found in Syria in 1974 and are composed of over 16,000 clay tablets dating to 2580-2450 B.C., the oldest written material known. They confirm names like Ur, Sodom, Gomorrah, Baal, Adam, Eve, and Noah. The creation account speaks of one God who created the heavens, moon, stars, and earth as well as the concept of creation out of nothing.

25 Genesis The Tower of Babel is confirmed from tablets from Iraq that confirm a king of Ur built a ziggurat (2000 B.C.) to worship a moon god that was destroyed, the men scattered, and their language made strange. patriarchsArcheology has also shown that the names, places, and customs of the patriarchs are as Genesis relates them. Sodom and Gomorrah have been identified and evidence of intense heat and earthquake activity destroying the cities has been found.

26 Saul, David, and Solomon Saul’s fortress at Gibeah has been excavated. DavidA coin was recently excavated in Jerusalem that contained the inscription, “The House of David.” A small ornament found in a shop in Jerusalem in 1979 was inscribed “Belonging to the Temple of Yahweh.”

27 The Captivities failure26,000 Assyrian tablets affirm every Old Testament reference to an Assyrian King including Sennacharib and his failure to capture Jerusalem, including that thousands of his men died and the rest were scattered. Records found in ancient Babylon affirm the treatment of the Hebrew royal family, Belshazzar, and Cyrus’ decree allowing the Jews to rebuild the Temple (Ezra 1:1-4).

28 The New Testament The fragment of John 18 from 125 A.D. Luke’s meticulous history has been verified even in places that it was originally thought he got it wrong. JerusalemUnique places in Jerusalem from John’s Gospel have been located such as the Pool of Bethesda, Pool of Siloam, and Jacob's Well. The census of Luke 2 is not known specifically but such censuses were taken at that time and the right rulers are mentioned for that time.

29 Conclusion refutesWhile there is much in the Bible that has not been specifically confirmed by archaeology, nothing has been found that unequivocally refutes any statement in the Bible.

30 Other Authors The early historian Eusebius preserved writings of Papias, the bishop of Hierapolis in 130 AD, which explain the Apostle John telling of the attention taken by Mark in his job of interpreter of the Apostle Peter. The early historian Eusebius preserved writings of Papias, the bishop of Hierapolis in 130 AD, which explain the Apostle John telling of the attention taken by Mark in his job of interpreter of the Apostle Peter.

31 Other Authors Irenaeus, the bishop of Lyons in 180 AD wrote about how Matthew published his gospel among the Jews in the Hebrew language, while Peter and Paul were preaching and founding churches. He further tells of Mark writing his gospel from the teachings of Peter, Luke writing his gospel from the teachings of Paul and that John wrote his gospel while living at Ephesus in Asia. Irenaeus, the bishop of Lyons in 180 AD wrote about how Matthew published his gospel among the Jews in the Hebrew language, while Peter and Paul were preaching and founding churches. He further tells of Mark writing his gospel from the teachings of Peter, Luke writing his gospel from the teachings of Paul and that John wrote his gospel while living at Ephesus in Asia. Archaeology has confirmed many portions of Scripture, with the largest confirmation being the book of Acts. A. N. Sherwin-White is a classical historian and he writes Archaeology has confirmed many portions of Scripture, with the largest confirmation being the book of Acts. A. N. Sherwin-White is a classical historian and he writes "... for Acts the confirmation of historicity is overwhelming". He further writes "... any attempt to reject its basic historicity even in matters of detail must now appear absurd. Roman historians have long taken it for granted." "... for Acts the confirmation of historicity is overwhelming". He further writes "... any attempt to reject its basic historicity even in matters of detail must now appear absurd. Roman historians have long taken it for granted."

32 Questions What difference does external evidence make? What challenges lie in trying to both understand and explain this?

33 Internal Evidence What does the document claim to be? Is that message consistent throughout the document(s)?

34 Internal Evidence – What does the Bible claim for itself? The Old Testament The Old Testament claims to be God speaking over 3800 times. Jesus Jesus referred to the Old Testament as authoritative. (Matt.5: 17-19) Jesus and the apostles quoted from the Old Testament as their authority. (Matt. 19: 4,5; II Tim 3: 16-17; 1 Pet. 1:10,11)

35 Internal Evidence – What does the Bible claim for itself? The New Testament Hebrews 1:1-2 makes clear that Jesus authority is on a par with the Old Testament. HEB 1:1 In the past God spoke to our forefathers through the prophets at many times and in various ways, 2 but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom he made the universe. messagePaul declared that his message was specifically from God. (2 Thess. 2:15; 1 Cor. 4:17; Gal. 1:11,12)

36 Consistency of the Message The Bible was written over a period of at least 1500 years (time of the exodus [1400 BC] to NT times [AD 100]) by around 40 authors from many locations (Israel, Babylon, Sinai, Greece, Turkey, and Italy) covering controversy, problems and disagreements, yet unified in its overall message. However, it would be ridiculous to claim the fact that the Bible says it is the Word of God to be the pivotal argument for its authority.

37 Is the Bible an Historically Reliable Document? Certainly the Bible is the most accurate and attested document of the ancient world. To reject it as God’s Word is far more likely due to personal bias than the evidence. - Ray Bohlin, PhD

38 Roadblocks to Reliability Genre Backwards Interpretation Original Manuscript Inspiration Misunderstood Infallibility Paradoxes

39 “It is helpful for us to learn that the Bible is historically accurate, that it is internally consistent, that it contains prophecies that have been fulfilled hundreds of years later, that it has influenced the course of human history more than any other book, that it has continued changing the lives of millions of individuals throughout its history, that through it people come to find salvation, that it has a majestic beauty and a profound depth of teaching unmatched by any other book, and that it claims hundreds of times over to be God’s very words. All of these arguments and others are useful to us and remove obstacles that might otherwise come in the way of our believing Scripture. But all of these arguments taken individually or together cannot finally be convincing.” Wayne Grudem

40 Questions Archaeology What is convincing? What are some thoughts you have? What questions do YOU have? Where should we go from here?


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