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Common Characteristics of Layer 2 Wholesale Access Products in the EU (Draft Report for public consultation ) Cara Schwarz-Schilling, BNetzA Co-Chair NGN.

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Presentation on theme: "Common Characteristics of Layer 2 Wholesale Access Products in the EU (Draft Report for public consultation ) Cara Schwarz-Schilling, BNetzA Co-Chair NGN."— Presentation transcript:

1 Common Characteristics of Layer 2 Wholesale Access Products in the EU (Draft Report for public consultation ) Cara Schwarz-Schilling, BNetzA Co-Chair NGN EWG WIK/TNO Public workshop – Access and interoperability conditions Brussels, 8 July 2015 1

2 Introduction  BEREC adopted a draft BEREC Report on “Common Characteristics of Layer 2 Wholesale Access Products in the EU” on 4 June 2015 for public consultation  The public consultation started on 8 June 2015 and ends on 10 July 2015  The draft report and information on the public consultation are available on the BEREC website launch-of-public-consultation-on-the-document-on-common-characteristics-of-layer-2-wholesale-access- products-in-the-eu 2

3 Background and Goals  Several countries have imposed VULA/enhanced bitstream products (layer 2 wholesale access products - L2 WAP ) in the last years  Regulatory context:  L2 WAP have been imposed on Markets 4/2007 and 5/2007(or 3a/2014 and 3b/2014)  M4/2007: Physical unbundling no longer possible/viable due to NGA rollout  M5/2007: Provide alternative operators with more freedom compared to layer 3 product  This report identifies common characteristics of L2 WAP of 10 countries: AT, BE, DE, DK, ES, FR, GR, IT, NL, UK  For both L2 WAP with local and regional handover  Goals:  Analyse L2 WAP to identify common characteristics and get insight where products differ  Foster the knowledge transfer between NRAs  Contribute to harmonisation  Not: being normative / recommend best practice 3

4 Findings  NRAs in general have pursued common goals: Giving the alternative operator a high degree of freedom to provide different services (voice, broadband, TV, business services, etc.)  Due to their complexity, L2 WAP have usually been designed in lengthy processes with participation of stakeholders and the NRA  Not all characteristics analysed have led to a common characteristic being defined (e.g. multicast)  Multicast frame replication functionality is only supported by L2 WAP if there is a demand  In order to foster the knowledge transfer a detailed description of the product characteristics is available in the annex of the report  In total, nine common characteristics were identified 4

5 Common Characteristics (i) Common characteristics of L2 WAP with local handover  1 (Technology): The L2 WAP is based on Ethernet  The L2 WAP analysed are based on the Ethernet protocol and provide an Ethernet service to ANOs  2 (Availability): The L2 WAP is (or will be) available at least in NGA rollout areas  Where physical unbundling is no longer technically possible or economically viable  3 (CPE/Modem): ANOs can use and configure their own CPE/modems at least in case of FTTC/B  This enables ANOs to further differentiate their services and to innovate  The CPE/modems of the ANOs must not harm the network integrity and must interwork with the network of the provider of the L2 WAP 5

6 Common Characteristics (ii)  4 (Bandwidth): ANOs have the possibility to control the speed of their services within the limit(s) of the bandwidth profile(s) of the subscriber access line.  This enables ANOs to differentiate the down- and upload speed of services from other operators.  In all countries analysed asymmetric bandwidth profiles are available.  5 (Quality of Service): The L2 WAP with local handover provides at least ostensibly uncontended bandwidth or a bandwidth with a defined QoS.  This enable ANOs to choose the quality of their services and to provide services with higher QoS requirements.  6 (Traffic Prioritisation): The L2 WAP supports different traffic priorities  This increases the flexibility of ANOs in the design of their products  It enables ANOs to use the bandwidth of L2 WAP more efficiently 6

7 Common Characteristics (iii)  7 (Number of VLANs): The L2 WAP with local handover provides several VLANs per end user unless additional wholesale products are available  This may facilitate the provisioning of multiple services and traffic forwarding  8 (Customer Identification): The L2 WAP enables ANOs to identify their end users  This enables ANOs to provide individual services to their subscribers and to authorise for each customer individually which network resources (services) the customer can use  9 (Security): The L2 WAP enables ANOs to apply security measures  ANOs have the possibility to apply any security measure they would like to use at layer 3 and higher layers. Common characteristics of L2 WAP with regional handover  Same as with local PoH except No. 5 (QoS) and Nr. 7 (Number of VLANs) 7

8 Next Steps  BEREC will publish a consultation report as well as the final version of the report “Common Characteristics of Layer 2 Wholesale Access Products in the EU” in October 2015  The next step is to develop the report on common characteristics into a BEREC Common Position in order to further contribute to the harmonisation of product specifications for those wholesale access products 8

9 Thank you. 9

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