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Mixed and Improper Fractions Math 6 th Grade Finley.

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Presentation on theme: "Mixed and Improper Fractions Math 6 th Grade Finley."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mixed and Improper Fractions Math 6 th Grade Finley

2 Table of Contents Exponents pg 1-4 Scientific Notation pg 6-12 Order of Operations pg 13-18 Prime & compositepg 19-26 GCFpg 27-30 LCMpg 32 Integerspg 33-38 Adding & subtracting integerspg 39-44 Multiplying & dividing integerspg 45-48 Decimalspg 49-60 Equivalent Fractionspg 62-64 Fractions to decimalspg 64-66 Decimals to fractionspg 66 Guided Practicepg 67 Do now pg 69 Common Fractions= decimals listpg 70

3 Table of Contents Mixed and Improper Guided Practicepg 71 Mixed and Improper Frac.Pg 72-74

4 Mixed & Improper Fractions pg 72 What is an improper fraction? Can whole numbers be written as an improper fraction? An improper fractions is a fraction in which the numerator is greater than or equal to the denominator. Ex: 11/4 Yes, the whole number becomes the numerator and the denominator is 1 Ex. 7= 7/1

5 Mixed & Improper Fractions pg 72 Improper & Proper Fractions Improper Fractions Numerator equals denominator -  FRACTION IS EQUAL TO 1 3/3=1, 102/102=1 Numerator greater that denominator -  FRACTION IS GREATER THAN 1 9/5 > 1, 13/1> 1 Proper Fractions Numerator less than denominator -  FRACTION IS LESS THAN 1 2/5 < 1, 102/351 < 1

6 Mixed & Improper Fractions pg 72 What do you do with an improper fraction? Convert it to a mixed number

7 Mixed & Improper Fraction pg 74 ExamplesWrite 15/2 as a mixed number -Use long division -Divide the numerator by the Denominator -To form the fraction part of the quotient, use the remainder as the numerator and the divisor As the denominator

8 Mixed & Improper Fraction pg 74 Examples:Write as a mixed number =

9 Mixed & Improper Fraction pg 74 How do you turn a mixed number into an improper fraction? Use the C method x 5 X 2 + 1 = 11 -Multiply the denominator by The whole number and add the numerator Put that all over the denominator 5 X 2 + 1 = 11

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