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Meditation Class 6 (Back to list of classes). Sal-OM to all! (Sal-Om means, we pay our Salutations to the Divinity within you)

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Presentation on theme: "Meditation Class 6 (Back to list of classes). Sal-OM to all! (Sal-Om means, we pay our Salutations to the Divinity within you)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Meditation Class 6 (Back to list of classes)

2 Sal-OM to all! (Sal-Om means, we pay our Salutations to the Divinity within you)

3 Though this is our final class together, if you have a computer with an Internet connection, you can come back to these slides time and time again for refreshment.

4 Here again is our e-mail address:

5 If you have any comments or suggestions for improving these meditation classes, do e-mail us. e-mail

6 This final lesson will be taken from THOTH.

7 You will notice that the “Characteristics” column (slides 9-10) summarize the sermon of Esa the Christ as written in the Bible, St. Matthew, Chapter 5.

8 For a more in depth understanding of these words of Christ see, Commentaries on St. Matthew, Tablet Six in THOTH in the Literature section on our web site: Commentaries on St. Matthew, Tablet Six in THOTH web site Commentaries on St. Matthew, Tablet Six in THOTH web site

9 ChakraCharacteristics and Operation of Gunas Desire or Attainment SealMessagePitfall FirstThose who mourn. This chakra is under the influence of the tama guna. Physiological & safety needs Mystical Paths Meditate. Know Self to know God Escapism (believing all is illusion) SecondThose who are meek. Raja (Prana) guna, under the influence of tama (directed to the external world). PassionJudaismCommun- ities of Light Fear of trial in spiritual progress ThirdThose who hunger and thirst after righteous- ness. Raja and Satva gunas are active but still under the influence of the Tama guna. PowerChristianitySacrifice (not being self- centered) Possibility of falling back and using the powers gained for selfish desires

10 FourthThose who are merciful. Raja dominates, however the direction is now upward toward higher thoughts & the spiritual world. Unconditional Love and Compassion IslamSurrender and Submit unto God Narrow- mindedness FifthThose who are pure in heart. Satva guna (pure intelligence) dominates. Look at universe exactly the way God looks at it. Baha’iUniversalismAgain, become escapists.Also forget how en- lightenment was received in the beginning & that it requires effort to advance. SixthThose who are peacemakers. Last bondage is overcome. Become Masters of the three gunas. They maintain a small ‘i’ to stay in the body. Satguru, perfect masters. Bring harmony, tranquility or quietness to people internally & externally. Use three gunas to help others and they feel the Infinite. BabaParaviprasFeeling that there is no more truth to know. SeventhThose who are persecuted for righteousness sake. Soul quiets its three gunas and becomes pure intuition. Enters the state of perfect rest. Pure Consciousness (P.C.) DivineUnificationNow is the time when many, by overcoming the lower nature, will reach P.C. and become the sons of God

11 Again, if you were not familiar with the chakras before these classes, this is a lot of information to digest at one time.

12 Take from this information what you can accept and leave the rest for now.

13 These charts in Lessons 5 & 6 can be returned to time and time again (if you have a computer and connection to the Internet). So do not rush or be anxious. Relax!

14 And enjoy your final collective meditation together.

15 It is possible that your instructor will set up a time for a weekly collective meditation.

16 If not, or even in addition to, why not teach this course to others and/or form your own meditation group?

17 One other help we would like to offer:

18 We run a room in PalTalk called “Universal Mantra Meditation”, where we broadcast meditation classes 24 hours a day. PalTalk

19 There is also a live meditation class in this room every Wednesday from 7:00-7:30 PM Mountain Standard Time (MST).

20 We also run a room called “All Religions Unified by Maitreya The Expected One.” In this room, we hold many services and readings throughout the day. See the schedule here. “All Religions Unified by Maitreya The Expected One.”schedule here“All Religions Unified by Maitreya The Expected One.”schedule here

21 All are welcome! To Class 7

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