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Animal homes How animals construct their homes and the materials they use.

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Presentation on theme: "Animal homes How animals construct their homes and the materials they use."— Presentation transcript:

1 Animal homes How animals construct their homes and the materials they use

2 Unit 4B: Protecting Habitats: L.O. 16: N.C. Animals… where do they live? Protecting Habitats

3 Why do animals build their homes? Many animals build amazing homes to protect themselves and their young from predators and the weather.

4 Materials they use Animals make use of natural materials such as sticks, grass and mud as well as materials made inside their own bodies, such as silk and beeswax.

5 Bee hives: Living in colonies Bees build the beehives using beewax.

6 Sometimes in land... Sometimes in water

7 Underground homes... Underground homes are common in grasslands. Animals need to be protected under the ground. They look for shelter from other predators.

8 Up in the nest... A home in a tree Most birds build their nests up in the trees. They lay and wait for their eggs to be hatched. They use different materials to build their nests.

9 Not only on the ground Some animals live on the ground. They can be part of the jungle or the wild territories. Some animals live inside their mother´s bodies when being babies.

10 Not only for birds... The tree as a home

11 The farm as an animal home Some animals live in the farm. They are raised for human benefit. Some animals live in our houses, they are called PETS.

12 Webs as homes Spiders build their webs using silk from the back of their bodies. They also wait for their victims to get trapped in their webs.

13 Living in the sea

14 Living in dark places... The caves Some animals live in caves. Some caves are on the ground, made out of rock... And some are under the water... Deep in the sea.

15 Living in cold places Some animals live in the north pole or the south pole. They have special characteristics to survive the cold weather.

16 Living in hot places Some animals live in the deserts and have to survive with little amounts of water and a lot of heat.

17 The “backpackers” Animals such as tortoises, carry their homes on their backs. The shell is part of the animal´s body into which it retreats, so as to avoid predators and the bad weather.

18 Guests who are not welcome Some animals live in our houses, although they are not welcome, and they are not considered pets.

19 Do you know any other animal homes?

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