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LEADERSHIP & LEGACY IN HISTORY The Basics THE BASICS Must discuss both leadership and legacy Look for a topic “in history”

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3 THE BASICS Must discuss both leadership and legacy Look for a topic “in history”

4 LEADERSHIP “Act of leading: providing motivation, guidance or direction, usually from a position of authority.”

5 LEADER VS. LEADERSHIP Leader Person or group who provided motivation and guidance Leadership The actions of a person or group who provided motivation or guidance Should focus from biography or timeline to specific action or event

6 LEADERSHIP GroupsIndividuals Soviet Politiburo Haviland Smith, University of North Carolina, "CIA's World War II Legacy," 2008. Vladimir Lenin Wladimir Iljitsch Lenin, 1946. Library of Congress

7 LEADERSHIP Initiate Voluntary – takes or seeks leadership role Hoffmann, Heinrich. Portraits of Adolf Hitler. Digital image. Library of Congress, 1935. Raoul Wallenberg Passport Photo, Public Domain React Involuntary – responds to situation and finds themselves in leadership decision

8 THE ROLE What was the leader’s role? How did he or she get there? Prime Minister Winston Churchill of Great Britain. Digital image. Library of Congress, 1942.

9 FOLLOWERS Who were the supporters or followers? Were there people that disagreed or fought against them? Vietnam Veterans Against the War Bay Area Day March, 1970. Vietnam Veterans Against the War (

10 ACTIONS OR DECISIONS What is the focus of your project? How did the leader act in an intentional way that had a significant impact? FDR. Library of Congress.

11 LEGACY “What is handed down to us from our ancestors or predecessors, What is left behind for future generations, such as ideas or accomplishments.”

12 LEGACY Could be “positive” or “negative” "More than 140 Die as Flames Sweep through Three Stories," The New York Tribune (New York, NY), March 26, 1911, Page 1, Image 1, col. 2. Chronicling America, Library of Congress.

13 LEGACY Address long-term significance NAACP Members Marching to the Capitol during Legislative Session - Tallahassee, Florida. Digital image. Florida Memory, 196-.

14 LEGACY GlobalLocal F.W. De Klerk, Left, the Last President of Apartheid-era South Africa, and Nelson Mandela, His Successor, Wait to Speak in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Digital image. Library of Congress, 1993. Web.

15 LEGACY Long agoStill impacts us today Thomas Jefferson/Louisiana Purchase Cornelius Tiebout, "Thomas Jefferson," 1801. Library of Congress. Frank Church/Church Committee Used to investigate illegal activities by US intelligence agencies, this committee brought more publicity to government spying, which is still an issue today- ex. Edward Snowden. Senator Frank Church in July 1975. New York Times.

16 SHORT TERM OR LEGACY? Distinguish between short-term impacts and legacy –What happened right away? –What long-term changes have resulted from this topic? Gandhi, Kanu. Mahatma Gandhi, head-and-shoulders portrait, facing right and smiling. Digital image. Library of Congress, 194-. Web.

17 TOPIC SELECTION Picking the Best Topics for History Day 2015

18 IN HISTORY More than 25 years old, as a rule of thumb Herline and Hensel, "Abraham Lincoln," 1860. Library of Congress. Souza, Pete. Official Portrait of President- elect Barack Obama. Digital image. Library of Congress, 13 Jan. 2009.

19 LOOK BEYOND POLITICS Environment Rachel Carson's, "Silent Spring," 1962. Music Getty Images from the New York Times. Medicine Daniel Hale Williams Performed the first open heart surgery. Crawford Studio, "Daniel Hale Williams," published in 1964. Library of Congress. Science Leonardo da Vinci Reproduction of page from Leonardo daVinci's notebook, showing the operation of a mechanical wing, 1894-1904. Library of Congress.

20 EVENTS AS HD TOPICS Go beyond the event: Who was involved? –Seneca Falls Convention –Susan B. Anthony’s role at the convention League of Women Voters. Digital image. AP Images, 1915. Web. Susan B. Anthony. Digital image. Library of Congress. Bain News Service, n.d. Web.

21 INVENTIONS AS HD TOPICS Cannot just focus on invention itself Inventions cannot be leaders –What was the inventor’s purpose? –How was it used after its creation? "Thomas Edison's patent for light bulb," 1880. Steam Locomotive (Railroad) -- John Stevens "Experimental Railway of John Stevens," 1825. Library of Congress.

22 LOCAL HISTORY National TopicLocal Connections WEB DuBois "W.E.B. DuBois facing left," 1920-1930. Library of Congress. Martin Luther King Jr. "Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. delivering sermon at Atlanta Church," 1967. Library of Congress.

23 SUCCESSES & FAILURES Consider not just achievements in history, but what failures have had an impact? Cuban Missile Crisis Phil Stanziola, "800 Women Strikers for Peace," 1962. Library of Congress.

24 REMEMBER! Things to remember and things to avoid when working with the 2015 theme

25 AVOID BIOGRAPHY Augustus Weidenbach, "George Washington," painted 1876. Library of Congress. "Napoleon Bonaparte," Artist and Date Unknown. Library of Congress. Margaret Sanger. Digital image. Library of Congress, 1922. Flashlight vs. Floodlight

26 OPPOSING VIEWPOINTS Within a Movement Outside Opinions "Martin Luther King Jr.," December 3, 1963 at the White House. Library of Congress. George Wallace, 1963. Library of Congress

27 GO BEYOND GOOD/BAD Legacy is more than good or bad leadership. It’s about change. 1968-1972, "Richard Nixon." Library of Congress.

28 HISTORICAL CONTEXT What was going on at the time? What people, events or ideas influenced this leader? How did the leader influence things that came after? John D. Rockefeller. Digital image. Library of Congress, 1885. Ida M. Tarbell. Digital image. Library of Congress, 1905. Ida Tarbell She was an American journalist and leading “muckracker” whose investigative reporting during the Progressive Era led to the breakup of the Standard Oil Company's monopoly.

29 “THROUGH THEIR EYES” Consider the event “through the eyes” of those involved. –What was their point of view on the situation? –Why did they make certain decisions, from their point of view? White Rose Resistance A group of students who wrote against Hitler’s power and were later arrested and beheaded. Hans Scholl (left), Sophie Scholl and Christoph Probst, leaders of the White Rose resistance organization. Munich 1942. From Jacob Hornberger article on Jewish Virtual Library

30 WHAT IS LEGACY? Legacy is about more than “bringing it up to today.” "Ford Model T," artist unknown, 1915. Library of Congress. ​ Hartsook, photographer. Henry Ford, head-and- shoulders portrait, facing slightly left, 1919 (?). Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress

31 AVOID “WHAT IF” HISTORY Can’t prove what didn’t happen. How did it actually change history? United States Air Force, "Nagasaki, Japan under atomic bomb attack," August 9, 1945. Library of Congress. If President Truman hadn’t dropped the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, then World War II would not have ended. Harry Truman, half-length portrait, facing front. Digital image. Library of Congress, 27 June 1945.

32 DOING THE “RIGHT” THING Inaction is still making a decision. Failure to “do the right thing” is still a decision. What impact did non-action have on history? "Voyage of the SS St. Louis May 13-June 17, 1939," shows the route and location of the boat throughout the course of the journey. Taken from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. SS St. Louis Jewish refugee boat turned away by multiple countries, including the United States, before WWII. Harris, and Ewing. Franklin D. Roosevelt. Digital image. Library of Congress, 1936. Web.

33 DON’T OVERSIMPLIFY Many factors contribute to an event. Avoid monocausal explanations. –“The Treaty of Versailles caused World War II.” Taken from the US Department of State "Office of the Historian." 1920/paris-peace 1920/paris-peace

34 CONNECT IN PROJECT LeadershipLegacy authority dictatorship in command of leading management supremacy ruling in charge of directing guidance lasting memory impact reminder setting the stage outcome consequence effect repercussion aftermath result

35 TEACHER NOTES Other models of theme interpretation to consider!

36 COMPARATIVE LEADERS Avoid False Comparisons: 9/11 and Pearl Harbor "Martin Luther King Jr.," December 3, 1963 at the White House. Library of Congress. “Malcom X.” 1964. Library of Congress.

37 APPROPRIATING LEGACY “Abraham Lincoln” 1863. Library of Congress “Ronald Reagan.” Library of Congress

38 THEME REVERSAL "Martin Luther King Jr.," December 3, 1963 at the White House. Library of Congress. Gandhi, Kanu. Mahatma Gandhi, head-and-shoulders portrait, facing right and smiling. Digital image. Library of Congress, 194-. Web.

39 WHO IS A LEADER? “Henry David Thoreau.” Library of Congress.

40 SELECTING LEADERS Rosa Parks. 1956. Library of Congress.


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