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The Debate Flowchart. What is a flow? The debate flow is an organization of notes that keeps track of and help development of all of the arguments made.

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Presentation on theme: "The Debate Flowchart. What is a flow? The debate flow is an organization of notes that keeps track of and help development of all of the arguments made."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Debate Flowchart

2 What is a flow? The debate flow is an organization of notes that keeps track of and help development of all of the arguments made in a debate. A good flow will: Provide an organized presentation Help to develop the speeches Enable clash Show the development of arguments Help a team/debater win Help a judge know who wins Provide a record of the debate Silence is Consent

3 SOME RULES FOR FLOWING One argument per page Two colors—one for aff, one for neg One column for each speech Lots of room/space Shorthand symbols Substance of an argument, not word for word Flow every argument in round

4 Create a list of common abbreviations

5 Abbreviations Common debate words Topic words Strategies

6 How to abbreviate PARAPHRASE Rather than “Nuclear Energy is fast becoming the most affordable form of energy available.” NE = $ Use symbols $ + = Leave out vowels Nclr, dngr, impx, gvnrnmnt, chldrn Leave out words that don’t bring meaning (articles, prepositions) A, an, the, of, for, to


8 Other tips.. Supplement with other useful info Use Cross-ex and prep time to clean up your flow FLOW YOUR ARGUMENTS**This is how you’ll do all the speeches after the 1AC. Pre-flow

9 Practice Read case Take notes on news Take notes of lecture Card game Take notes of a conversation Watch/flow national rounds at

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