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You can’t put chickens and lions in the same cage!

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Presentation on theme: "You can’t put chickens and lions in the same cage!"— Presentation transcript:

1 You can’t put chickens and lions in the same cage!
Combining Like Terms You can’t put chickens and lions in the same cage!

2 Combining Like Terms Combining like terms is another way of saying adding or subtracting things together. In math, the word “combine” means to add or subtract. Before we learn exactly how to do this, we need to learn some important vocabulary.

3 Combining Like Terms - Vocabulary
Variable – A variable is a fancy math word for a letter. A variable represents something that we don’t know. Coefficient - A coefficient is the number that is being multiplied times a variable. If we have “6n”, then the coefficient is 6. Term - A term is a groups of coefficients and variables together. Terms are separated by plusses and minuses. Exponent – We know what these are already. You might know these as “the little 2” or “the little 3”

4 Combining Like Terms - Vocabulary
For example, let’s look at the expression: 4x² - 5x + 3y + y What is the coefficient of the last y? Exponent Variable Variable Coefficient Variable Variable Coefficient Coefficient Term Term Term Term

5 Combining Like Terms – Golden Rule
The golden rule of combining like terms is: You can only combine terms with the same variable and exponent! Example: 3x + 5y + 8x² + 2x + y + 3x² 5x + 6y + 11x²

6 Combining Like Terms 12x + 6y – 5x + y 7x + 7y
I like to use the “box it up” method to combine like terms. When you box up like terms, make sure you box up the sign that comes before the term!!! For Example: 12x + 6y – 5x + y 7x + 7y

7 Combining Like Terms Let’s Try Some Together: 1) 12x + 5y – 2x – 4y =
2) x² + 2x + 8y + 5x² - 5y = 3) x + x + y + y – x = 4) 5x² + 14y – 2x² + 7y x – 6 =

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