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THE U.S. IN A GLOBAL ERA Technological, Economic, and Social Developments.

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Presentation on theme: "THE U.S. IN A GLOBAL ERA Technological, Economic, and Social Developments."— Presentation transcript:

1 THE U.S. IN A GLOBAL ERA Technological, Economic, and Social Developments

2 TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATION Innovation consists of 2 steps: – Inventing it (creativity) – Producing or manufacturing it (resources and organization) Some relatively recent American inventions include transistors, integrated circuits, computers, Internet, LEDs, GPSs, and UNIX computer operating systems

3 INNOVATIONS IN WORKPLACE PRODUCTIVITY Robotics “Just-in-time” production (parts arrive at the precise time in the manufacturing process as they are needed by workers) Time-study analysis (trained observers record how long it takes a qualified worker to perform particular tasks) These all lead to lower costs and improved production through communication and efficiency

4 FREE ENTERPRISE AND TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATION Allows people to use their own economic resources to produce goods and services Copyright and patent laws protect writers and inventors and give exclusive rights Benefits both producers and consumers Free Enterprise drives technological innovation and helps achieve results

5 INNOVATIONS ADDRESSING SPECIFIC NEEDS Scientific discoveries and innovation are often attempts to address specific needs Examples: vaccines (polio, smallpox, AIDS), drugs to reduce symptoms of diseases, both the military and space programs used teams of scientists and engineers to design solutions to problems (many of which are later used by other industries)

6 THE COMPUTER REVOLUTION Information technology (IT) Has created millions of jobs in manufacturing, programming, and services (Microsoft, Intel, Apple, Cisco, Google, etc.) The Internet (world-wide linking of computers) and E-commerce (doing business on the Internet) U.S. leads the world in super-computing (other countries are catching up)

7 THE GLOBAL ECONOMY Today’s U.S. economy is integrated into the global economy Multinational corporations are those that have set up local companies (subsidiaries) in several countries – Control more than half of the industrial assets of the U.S. – Employed millions of workers here and abroad – Examples: McDonalds, Starbucks, Nike, Wal- Mart, Exxon-Mobile

8 ENERGY Greater demand with population growth and rising standards of living Nuclear power (attractive because of less pollution), but Three Mile Island (1979) and the recent quake and tsunami in Japan (2011) have raised fears that nuclear power might be more dangerous than first thought New sources of oil (Alaska and oceans/seas) are encouraging but pose ecological dangers Energy needs are critical to our economic future and way of life

9 MANAGING THE ENVIRONMENT Economic development and population growth has led to greater pollution of air, water, and other resources Global Warming – caused by pollutants in the atmosphere that prevent heat from escaping into space. This greenhouse effect may permanently raise temperatures to dangerous levels. The U.S. has been a leading offender.

10 ENVIRONMENT CONTINUED… Acid Rain – pollutants released by industry and automobiles turn into acids that are washed out of the air when it rains. It is toxic and leads to destruction of land and growing things Erosion of the Ozone Layer – certain types of fluorocarbons erode the ozone that absorbs ultraviolet radiation. Increasing causes of skin cancer Water Pollution – waste from cities and industry can contaminate water systems, effecting health

11 THE ROLE OF GOVERNMENT Many believe that government should be responsible for protection of the environment – Environmental Protection Act (EPA) – Endangered Species Act – Government assists with environmental disasters (floods, droughts, etc.) – Government constructs roads, bridges, and dams Private organizations and volunteer groups play an increasing role in public awareness – Sierra Club – founded by conservationist John Muir in 1892, in California

12 THE GLOBAL REACH OF AMERICAN POPULAR CULTURE Music and Visual Arts – Vinyl records, cassette tapes, CDs, and digital downloads of music are often played on the radio, TV, and Internet – Visual arts, once only found in museums, are now commercially reproduced in magazines, newspapers, TV programs, advertising, and on the Internet

13 POP CULTURE CONTINUED… Hollywood films and movies are shown around the world The spread of cable and satellite TV expanded programming and often depict American culture and way of life. They influence Americans themselves, as well as others English has emerged as an international second language American media influences other cultures and their views of the U.S.

14 CHANGES IN AMERICAN DEMOGRAPHY Demography is the study of population We have seen significant changes since WWII Size of U.S. population has doubled (3 rd largest population in the world behind China and India) Center of population has shifted away from Northeast and Midwest to the Sun Belt and westward

15 DEMOGRAPHY CONTINUED… Much of our population growth is due to immigration (both legal and illegal) – Illegal immigrants often work for lower wages at unskilled jobs – Some do not pay taxes and may require social services for education and/or medical attention All Americans have contributed to our rich diversity. People of every race, ethnicity, religion, and gender group have made important contributions.

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