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S AFETY AND S ANITATION. W HAT D O YOU D O W HEN : First Degree Burn Cut Electrical Shock Keep Cleaning supplies What two chemicals should never be mixed?

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Presentation on theme: "S AFETY AND S ANITATION. W HAT D O YOU D O W HEN : First Degree Burn Cut Electrical Shock Keep Cleaning supplies What two chemicals should never be mixed?"— Presentation transcript:


2 W HAT D O YOU D O W HEN : First Degree Burn Cut Electrical Shock Keep Cleaning supplies What two chemicals should never be mixed? Place burned area under cold running water Disconnect the main power source before approaching injured person Apply direct pressure over wound Chlorine and Ammonia Away from food QuestionsAnswers

3 W ORK E NVIRONMENT 1. With Electrical appliances, use_______ Hands, stand on____ floor and keep away from_____. 2. Plug cord into electrical appliance_____plugging into power source. 3. To extinguish a grease fire: A_____ B_____ C_____ 4. Cleaning supplies should be stored_____from foods. Keep cleaning supplies in _____containers. 5. _____knives are more dangerous and less efficient than___knife. 6. Turn handles____from the front of the range. 7. Clean up spills____ to avoid falls. 8. Lift lids on hot foods____from you. 9. Store heavy items on_____shelves. 10. Use a_____ _____ for reaching high objects. Sharp Away (4 Times) Original Dull Dry ( 2 Times) Immediately Fire Extinguisher Lower Step Stool Baking Soda/Salt Water Use a lid on the Pan Before QuestionsAnswers

4 GREASE FIRES????????

5 S ANITATION R ULES Wash Hands After : For 20 seconds with soap and hot water Using the Restroom Sneezing Coughing Before and After handling Raw Meat Poultry or Eggs

6 D ISH W ASHING O RDER Rinse and Scrape First Glassware Silverware Plates and Bowls Pots and Pans

7 M ORE S ANITATION G UIDELINES When tasting foods, always use a clean spoon and use only once. DO NOT USE YOUR FINGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wear gloves if you have acut or open sore on hands Wear appropriate clothing: Clean Apron Hair tied Back

8 W HAT ' S THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN CLEAN AND SANITIZE ? Clean-Remove visible dirt Sanitize: Is to use a chemical when cleaning.


10 E-C OLI Undercook Ground Beef, Unpasteurized milk, fresh Fruits and Vegetables. Bacteria spread by air from soil, ground and fecal matter to food sources.

11 S TAPHYLOCOCCUS Staphylococcus Aureus is a food intoxication caused by bacteria found in the nose, throat, and on the skin. These bacteria are easily spread by coughing or sneezing. Staph bacteria do not cause the food intoxication; they produce a toxin that causes the illness. This bacteria grows best on starchy foods or on moist meat dishes. Symptoms include: nausea, vomiting and stomach cramps.

12 SALOMONELLA Most common food-borne illness Found in fresh and undercooked poultry and raw eggs Bacteria

13 B OTULISM Assoicated with improperly canned foods. Do NOT eat items from a bulging can.

14 H EPATISIS VIRUS Toxins from fecal bacteria transferred by human contact, usually through improper handwashing.

15 H OW TO P REVENT F OOD -B ORNE I LLNESSES Keep Food Out of the Danger Zone 41-135 Foods should not be in the Temperature Danger Zone for more than two hours

16 W AYS TO P REVENT F OOD -B ORNE I LLNESSES Practice proper hand washing Throw away any food with an off odor and do not taste or use Do not buy bulging cans Frequently clean and sanitize work surface Avoid Cross Contamination

17 S AFE W AYS TO T HAW F OOD In the microwave if used immediately In the refrigerator for 2-3 days Under cold, running water


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