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JOKE ABOUT COMPUTERS By Michael Geyer March 12,2009 Period 8.

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1 JOKE ABOUT COMPUTERS By Michael Geyer March 12,2009 Period 8

2 SOME JOKES Your mama so poor, that when burglars come into the house, they leave money. What do you get when you cross a midget with a computer? A short circuit.

3 COMPUTER JOKES!!!! Reasons Why Windows Is Not A Virus Viruses are free. Reasons Why Windows Is Not A Virus Viruses don't take up most of your hard drive. Reasons Why Windows Is Not A Virus Viruses don't have major bugs.

4 COMPUTER JOKES!!!!! Reasons Why Windows Is Not A Virus Viruses don't leak info to the press about the upcoming Jerusalem 95, to keep people from switching to Michelangelo/2 Warp.

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