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If you’re texting, you’re not driving! By: Haylee Shimmel, Lindsay Roudybush, & Briana Lanaro Briana Lanaro.

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Presentation on theme: "If you’re texting, you’re not driving! By: Haylee Shimmel, Lindsay Roudybush, & Briana Lanaro Briana Lanaro."— Presentation transcript:

1 If you’re texting, you’re not driving! By: Haylee Shimmel, Lindsay Roudybush, & Briana Lanaro Briana Lanaro

2 Surveys  34% say they have texted while driving.  82% of Americans age 16-17 own a cell phone.  52% say they have talked on a cell phone while driving.  1 out of every 3 people text and drive on a daily basis.

3 Where it all started….  From a peak in 1976, when 3.2 million students in 17,000 public schools took driver education courses, the numbers has steadily declined.  In 1981 the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration dropped driver education from its list of priority programs however, many states still require formal training as a condition of licensure prior to age 18.

4 Focus  Your mind is somewhere else, and not focusing on the road.  It has been proven that no one can multi-task.

5 Fatalities  Killing innocent bystanders from you texting and driving.”  You can take your own life.”  Living with the guilt of killing someone else.”

6 Peer Pressure  People encourage texting while driving.  People think it’s fine.  People think they are invincible.  They see other people text while driving so they think it’s alright to do it as well. ** Be the better person **

7 Life Changing  Physical aspect, like looks or unable to use your five senses, etc.  Your family and friendship status can decline or disappear.  Your self-esteem declines.  Any normal task you do on a daily basis are harder or impossible to do.

8 Liz Marks’ Story  m/watch?v=t7911kgJJZc m/watch?v=t7911kgJJZc m/watch?v=t7911kgJJZc

9 Ways to prevent..  Turn your sound off on your phone.  Put your cell phone away somewhere in your car. (out of sight, out of mind)  Let people know when you’re driving to not text you.  Call police.  Hands free app.

10 Being a passenger...  1.) The Direct Approach  2.) The Subtle Approach  3.) The “Wow, look at that bad driver!” Approach  4.) The Group Approach  5.) The Life-Saving Approach

11 PA Laws Against Texting While Driving  Text messaging while driving prohibited for all drivers, the fine is $50.  No statewide limits on cell phone use.  Texting law went into effect in March 8, 2012.  At least three bills before the general assembly seek to ban the cell phone use.

12 Reality…  m/watch?v=30SpScVCfA I m/watch?v=30SpScVCfA I m/watch?v=30SpScVCfA I

13 Summary  We know there is no way to make people stop texting and driving completely, but we can all be a part in trying to decrease the numbers.  We need all your help, this presentation might change some of your minds but we need everyone to stand up against texting while driving.

14 Work Cited   http://www.textingand ng-and-driving-stats/ http://www.textingand ng-and-driving-stats/ http://www.textingand ng-and-driving-stats/  om om om  een/your_mind/proble ms/no_texting.html een/your_mind/proble ms/no_texting.html een/your_mind/proble ms/no_texting.html  m/pennsylvania-cell- phone-laws-legislation/ m/pennsylvania-cell- phone-laws-legislation/ m/pennsylvania-cell- phone-laws-legislation/

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