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Western Blot.

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Presentation on theme: "Western Blot."— Presentation transcript:

1 Western Blot

2 Steps: 1. SDS-PAGE 2. Transfer to membrane: "Blotting" 3. Detection of proteins

3 SDS-PAGE SDS: sodium dodecyl sulfate PAGE: polyacrylamid electrophoresis

4 The goal is to separate proteins according to their sizes.
How would you do that?


6 Remember

7 SDS: sodium dodecyl sulfate is a detergent (soap) that can dissolve hydrophobic molecules but also has a negative charge (sulfATE) attached to it


9 Reductant: DTT: Dithiothreitol B-Mercaptoethanol The reducing agent beaks any cystine (-S-S-) bonds formed between two cysteine residues

10 Other stuff in the sample buffer:
Glycerol Bromphenolblue


12 How to make the gel?

13 Polymerization reaction: radical catalyzed reaction

14 Polymerization reaction
Catalysts: APS: Ammonium persulfate, radical initiator TEMED:N, N, N', N'-tetramethylethylenediamine, free radical stabilizer

15 "Discontinuous" PAGE Low pH (6.8) Low ionic strength
Low Acrylamid concentration FAST High pH (8.8) High ionic strength High Acrylamid concentration SLOW

16 Visualization of proteins on the gel:
Coomasie stain

17 OR do a western blot Proteins are transferred to a protein binding membrane. We will use a nitrocellulose membrane. Polyvinylidene difluoride (PVDF) is also commonly used.

18 OR do a western blot

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