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Membership Form: Think about the following.... Who can join? Publicize your membership goal. Where to return your form. Color and white space balance.

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Presentation on theme: "Membership Form: Think about the following.... Who can join? Publicize your membership goal. Where to return your form. Color and white space balance."— Presentation transcript:

1 Membership Form: Think about the following...

2 Who can join? Publicize your membership goal. Where to return your form. Color and white space balance. Not too busy a simple sign up and leave with the information.

3 Scan the QR code it will take you to the State membership site or photograph this board to jog your memory Single/ dual / triple /quad /grab a friend however you sell memberships they are all individually entered into the state database. For the ease of loading information to the website - mimic the order to make data upload a breeze. Admin Box QR reader link to your website

4 Have a range of forms for different groups - teacher community and business. Links to your website, Facebook or other social media. Be clear what you are selling - membership is not a fund raiser. It is a voice for a child in your school. Plan your forms now for campaigns all year round. A simple presale form at the end of the year to get a jump start on next year.

5 Who you are? logo/emblem a clear identifier. What awards have you received? You are well trained to run your PTA. Who can join? Everyone Keep your volunteer form away from membership. It is easier to administer each committee that way. It will also remove the idea that you have to volunteer to join PTA.

6 What do they get for their membership? – a vote, a card and benefits at local, state and national level. Translate if possible ~ plan ahead to work with your community to get a reliable translation. Make your form the biggest in the take home packet. How will you get your card ? Have a hook or theme for the year.




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