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What did you say the last time you were in terrible circumstances? Words of… AngerHatredRevenge RegretHopelessnessBlasphemy.

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Presentation on theme: "What did you say the last time you were in terrible circumstances? Words of… AngerHatredRevenge RegretHopelessnessBlasphemy."— Presentation transcript:


2 What did you say the last time you were in terrible circumstances? Words of… AngerHatredRevenge RegretHopelessnessBlasphemy

3 Jesus serves as a model for us as He spoke from the cross Most difficult time of His life Maintained the right attitude Considered others


5 Forgiveness: 1 st thing Jesus addressed Savior Intercessor, Isa. 53:12

6 Forgiveness was not unconditional Convicted of sin, Acts 2:23; 3:13-15 Conditions given, Acts 2:38; 3:19 Appeal for an open door to forgiveness Reflects an attitude of forgiveness -No bitterness -No hatred -No malice

7 Ignorance is no excuse Forgiveness implies guilt, Acts 3:17; 13:27 Guilty even if ignorant of it Impossible situation? -Law available, Jn. 16:13 -Responsible to know, Jn. 8:32; 2 Tim. 2:15 -God opens doors, Mt. 7:7-11

8 Is there a greater sin than the rejection & execution of the Son of God?

9 The state of the righteous after death Abraham’s bosom, Lk. 16:22-25 A real place All the righteous go there: Christ to criminal

10 How was the thief saved? Claim: faith alone

11 How was the thief saved? Reality -Faith not developed on the cross, Lk. 24:35-39 -Faith based on prior events o Teaching of John, Mt. 3:5, 6 o Teaching of Jesus, Jn. 4:1, 2 o Seventy sent out, Lk. 10:1

12 How was the thief saved? Reality -Jesus had power to forgiven, Mk. 2 -Prior to Jesus’ death, Heb. 9:16, 17

13 How was the thief saved? Those who refused baptism “rejected the will of God for themselves” Lk. 7:30

14 Jesus was mindful of His mother

15 Entrusted her to John’s care Joseph dead Brothers unbelievers, Jn. 7:5 John trusted disciple

16 Lessons we can learn Lord provides what we need When we need it

17 Lessons we can learn There is a closer bond To the family of faith Than to the family of flesh

18 Lessons we can learn The Lord places others in our care -Children, Eph. 6:4 -Wife, 1 Pt. 3:7 -Congregation, Acts 20:28


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