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Using low energy fluorescent light bulbs at home. If every home in the world changed just 3 light bulbs to these, enough energy would be saved to light.

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Presentation on theme: "Using low energy fluorescent light bulbs at home. If every home in the world changed just 3 light bulbs to these, enough energy would be saved to light."— Presentation transcript:


2 Using low energy fluorescent light bulbs at home. If every home in the world changed just 3 light bulbs to these, enough energy would be saved to light UK’s street lamps. Drive less, use public transportation.

3 Making a simple change in the kitchen goes a long way! Making smaller meals. Using a dishwasher instead of hand washing dirty dishes. Not leaving the water running while making dinner or washing something. Not using all the lights in the Kitchen at once.

4 Recycling will help reduce pollution, energy usage. Also water pollution. Prevents the waste of potentially new materials. New Recycle bins are now used in New York to help people recycle more, you can throw all your recyclables in to one container instead of separating.

5 Solar Panels New Hybrid Vehicles New Green Careers New Recycling techniques More city transportation Different uses of powering machines. (Vegetable Oil) Carbon Footprint video

6 Bibliography Works Cited "YouTube- How To Reduce Your Carbon Footprint." YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 June 2010.. "How to reduce your carbon footprint - Green Wiki." Green Wiki. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 June 2010.. insulation, installing 180mm thick loft. "Carbon Footprint - Carbon Footprint Reduction." Carbon Footprint - Home of Carbon Management. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 June 2010.. MLA formatting by

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