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Base Ten Blocks Grade 6 NSN Unit.

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Presentation on theme: "Base Ten Blocks Grade 6 NSN Unit."— Presentation transcript:

1 Base Ten Blocks Grade 6 NSN Unit

2 Re-cap… What is a place value chart?
What are the groups in a place value chart?

3 What is a base ten block?

4 Why do you think base ten blocks could be used for?

5 Modeling Numbers with Base Ten Blocks is Important…
to represent a number in different ways so that flexible thinking about the quantity of a number can be developed; and to provide visuals that show how numbers are com- posed of other numbers; that is, to show part- whole relationships of numbers.


7 Addition with Base Ten Blocks
addition is the joining or composing of parts to make a whole; So, you are putting the blocks together to make a new number

8 Subtraction with Base Ten Blocks
subtraction is separating or decomposing of the parts of a whole; and subtraction is comparing two wholes to determine the difference between them.

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