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Balanced Graph Edge Partition ACM KDD 2014 Florian Bourse ENS Marc Lelarge INRIA-ENS Milan Vojnovic Microsoft Research.

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Presentation on theme: "Balanced Graph Edge Partition ACM KDD 2014 Florian Bourse ENS Marc Lelarge INRIA-ENS Milan Vojnovic Microsoft Research."— Presentation transcript:

1 Balanced Graph Edge Partition ACM KDD 2014 Florian Bourse ENS Marc Lelarge INRIA-ENS Milan Vojnovic Microsoft Research

2 Balanced Graph Partition 2

3 Different Variants VP EPA u u u u u u EP VPA Vertex partition Edge partition No Aggregation Aggregation traditional ? ? ? PowerGraph [OSDI 2012] 3

4 Questions Performance benefits of using balanced edge partition as opposed to using more traditional balanced vertex partition ? Practical algorithms for balanced edge partition w/o aggregation and their theoretical guarantees ? Streaming heuristics for balanced edge partition ? 4

5 Costs: Cuts and Loads 5 Master vertex assignment

6 Expected Costs of Random Assignments 6

7 Random Assignment Comparison 7

8 Approximation Guarantees 8

9 Approximation Guarantees (cont’d) 9

10 Streaming Heuristics Online assignment of vertices or edges as they are observed in an input stream Irrevocable assignments Reassignments are expensive in web-scale systems (consistency of distributed state) Use local graph knowledge (neighbourhood sets) Scalable One pass through the vertices or edges Previously proposed streaming heuristic: PowerGraph [OSDI 2012] 10

11 PowerGraph Streaming Heuristic Prioritizes assignment of edges to clusters that already contain its end vertices: prone to large load imbalance Place e to 1 1 2 3 1 2 3 Place e to a least loaded cluster 1 2 3 11

12 Greedy: Least Incremental Cost 12

13 Experimental Evaluation 13

14 Performance of Random Assignment Graph: Amazon 14

15 Streaming Heuristics Graph: Amazon 15

16 Performance of Random Assignment (cont’d) Graph: Youtube 16

17 Concluding Remarks 17

18 Streaming Heuristics 18

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