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Sustainability Recycling & Water bottles. What do you know about recycling?

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Presentation on theme: "Sustainability Recycling & Water bottles. What do you know about recycling?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Sustainability Recycling & Water bottles

2 What do you know about recycling?

3 What do you want to know?

4 Did you know? “Recycling” The definition of recycling is: to treat or process (used or waste materials) so as to make suitable for reuse In 2007 there was more than 254 million tons of municipal waste (meaning domestic waste) was collected. 85 million of that was recycled or composted (made into organic material) The amount of garbage we are producing in this country has tripled in 50 years, by 2060 the USA will produce nearly a billion tons of waste.

5 More about recycling Glass is 100% recyclable 25% is actually recycled There are 10 million tons of glass left in waterways & wilderness It takes 1000 years to biodegrade

6 50 million tons of paper is recycled ½ of what paper products are produced No recycling would result in 550 million trees a year It takes more money to make products from scratch than recycled materials

7 Recycling cans/bottles/glass Our classroom goal: To recycle your cans/bottles to raise money to purchase materials for our sustainability activity Did you know ever can or bottle is 5 cents for you? Glass is 100% recyclable

8 Why do we recycle cans? Conserves natural resources Saves energy Contributes to the U.S. economy Helps U.S. trade balance Recycled metal from the United States is used for industrial manufacturing worldwide.

9 Why do we recycle plastic? Plastics recycling conserves natural resources, saves energy, raises money for the USA (economy) Recycled plastics is used in making many different products.

10 WATER BOTTLES There are many negative things plastic water bottles have on the environment and even yourself Here are some of the dangers to yourself 

11 Negatives about refilling water bottles Bacteria will grow – possibly enough to if it were tap water the water would need to be shut off After a lot of use: carcinogens can migrate into liquid These will hurt your liver, & cause reproduction problems Cleaning will not help especially if with hot water & soap, just increase bacteria To prevent this you can look at the resin code at the bottle of your water bottle 

12 Plastic to look for in your water bottle PET(or PETE): safe for one time use of a water bottle, refilling increases risk of chemicals HDPE2: usually gallon jugs, not linked to leaching PP%: easily molded, fewer chemicals, non-leaching

13 Chemicals Some harmful chemicals in water bottles: PVC: endocrine disrupters, human carcinogens PS: leach styrene into food and water Polycarbonate: hormone disrupter – Actually found in baby bottles, 5 gallon jugs, and reusable sports bottles SOLUTIONS 

14 USE: Stainless steel water bottles – NON EPOXY finish Glass water bottles are the best bottles to use Good old fashion tap water Water filters!!! – “Showtime television” – conducted a study: 75% of tested NYC residents preferred taste of tap over bottled water in a blind study.

15 Environmental issues because of water bottles Roughly 1.5 million tons of plastic is used to create 89 million liters of water a year – World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) Lots of fossil fuels are used to create this 25% or more of bottled water is really just tap water in a bottle – Natural Resources Defense Council 1999

16 Negatives: To produce water bottles: pollutes the air with VOC’s Make their way into oceans, polluting water sea life Use fossil fuels to produce water bottles – Like petroleum

17 Conclusion Reuse products Make organic materials you use into fertilizer, mulch, etc. Use your own reusable bags Sell or donate products you no longer use RECYCLE Used products made from recycled material Use rechargeable batteries Donate old or unwanted electronics

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