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The Bourbons Luciana Myer. The House of Bourbon Philip V of Spain was the first Bourbon ruler of Spain In the Treaty of utrecht Sicily went to Austria.

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Presentation on theme: "The Bourbons Luciana Myer. The House of Bourbon Philip V of Spain was the first Bourbon ruler of Spain In the Treaty of utrecht Sicily went to Austria."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Bourbons Luciana Myer

2 The House of Bourbon Philip V of Spain was the first Bourbon ruler of Spain In the Treaty of utrecht Sicily went to Austria. Bourbons ruled both in France and Spain and they desired to rule Italy so there was European balance Philip occupied Sicily in 1717 and also tried to gain more Italian territories through the War of the Austrian Succession

3 The Kingdom of two Sicilies Sicily was the largest and wealthiest of the Italian states before unification Cadet branch of the House of Bourbons Merger of the Kingdoms of Sicily and Naples Both Kingdoms were rules by Bourbon Kings

4 One of the most important ruling families in Europe. The name Bourbons came from a region in France The Bourbons came into power when the ”direct line” of the House of Valois ended This established the Salic Law of Succession: the crown is passed down to males based on priomgeniture

5 The Bourbons In Italy Charles of Bourbon was the first Bourbon King of Naples Took power of Naples and Sicily from Spain in 1735 Restored the Kingdom to a independent and sovereign state Became King of Sicily in Palermo

6 Emperor Frederick II of Sicily Grew up in Palermo Took the crown from his father Henry VI in 1198 Frederick studied and had great knowledge in Arabic, Greek, Latin, Italian, Sicilian, German and Norman French Federalism in Sicily under Frederick's power helped improve from earlier years 1230 Crowned King or Jerusalem in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher as the only Holy Roman Emperor

7 Francis II Last Bourbon King of two Sicilies Took throne in 1859 after his fathers (Ferdinand II) death Garibaldi invaded southern Italy Eventually Garibaldi took over Naples government when Francis II fled

8 Bibliographia ostorico/cs_04.htm ostorico/cs_04.htm

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