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Solving Percent Problems Using Proportions

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1 Solving Percent Problems Using Proportions

2 Use the following proportion to solve percent problems!
IS (part) % OF(whole) **The set up is always the same. =

3 PROPORTION METHOD will work for all three types of questions:
What number is 75% of 4? 3 is what percent of 4? 75% of what number is 3?

4 Steps; Write the % over 100. If you are trying to find the percent, write x over 100. Box the word of and the number to right of the word. Replace the word of in the proportion with the number. If you are trying to find of (the whole), write x to replace of. Replace the word is with the other number in the equation. If you are trying to find is (the part), write x to replace is. Cross multiply and solve.

5 Examples: Remember: IS % OF 100 What number is 75% of 4?
= What number is 75% of 4? 3 is what percent of 4? 75% of what number is 3?

6 4 x 36 = 12x 2) 36 = 12x 3 = x = Once you set up the proportion you need to cross multiply 1) 2) Divide both sides by the number next to x

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