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Pangea, Plate Tectonics. Alfred Wegener argued that, 200 million years ago, all of earth’s continents existed as one supercontinent called Pangaea. Wegener’s.

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Presentation on theme: "Pangea, Plate Tectonics. Alfred Wegener argued that, 200 million years ago, all of earth’s continents existed as one supercontinent called Pangaea. Wegener’s."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pangea, Plate Tectonics

2 Alfred Wegener argued that, 200 million years ago, all of earth’s continents existed as one supercontinent called Pangaea. Wegener’s theory is called the Continental Drift theory. This theory said that the continents broke apart and drifted over time to their current positions.

3 Continental Drift 9rk (earth over 600 million years) 9rk

4 Evidences 1. The continental puzzle – the coastlines show how continents fit together. 2. Rock types and structures – Mountain belts that end on one coastline, reappear on a landmass across the ocean 3. Matching fossils – Several of the same fossils are found on different continents

5 Which Evidence does each picture represent? 1. Continental Puzzle 2. Rock Types and Structures 3. Matching Fossils NAME THAT EVIDENCE!!!!! Hold up 1, 2, or 3 fingers!!! *Wegner’s theory was disputed because he could not explain how the continents had moved.








13 Discuss these 5 questions with a partner. 1.What is the Continental Drift Theory? 2.Who created the Continental Drift Theory? 3.What is the name of the supercontinent that made up the earth 200 million years ago? 4.What are the 4 pieces of evidence that support the existence of a supercontinent 200 million years ago? 5.What energy is produced by nuclear fission?

14 Alfred Wegener’s theory was not accepted because it did not explain how the plates moved.

15 Homework! Explain what would happen if you dropped a box of mismatched plates, they all broke, and you needed to glue the pieces back together. How would you do that? Part 2: How does this relate to plate tectonics and the theory of Pangea? Give specific correlations!

16 Plate Tectonic Theory Plate Tectonic Theory explained HOW the tectonic plates moved to cause continental drift. Plate Tectonic Theory states that the lithosphere is divided into pieces called plates (which float on the asthenosphere). These plates are always very slowly moving and changing in size and shape.

17 Layers of the Earth Drawing a diagram for our notes

18 How do I remember this?! Well, Wiz Khalifa loves the crust and mantle, crust and mantle, crust and mantle!Wiz Khalifa

19 -The lithosphere: -Consists of earth’s crust and upper portion of the mantle. -Is solid rock. -Is divided into the earth’s tectonic plates -The Asthenosphere: -Consists of the middle mantle -Made of magma (liquid rock) and solid rock. --The tectonic plates float on the asthenosphere.

20 Plate tectonic theory Plate Tectonic Theory explained HOW the tectonic plates moved to cause continental drift. The lithosphere: -Consists of earth’s crust and upper portion of the mantle. - Is solid rock. - Is divided into the earth’s tectonic plates The asthenosphere: -Consists of the middle mantle -Made of magma (liquid rock) and solid rock. - -The tectonic plates float on the asthenosphere. -

21 earth-12670/


23 Layers of the earth ature=related Add layers of the earth rap ature=related Complete the layers of the earth diagram (next page) 1. Inner Core 2. Outer Core 3. Mantle 4. Crust

24 Plates!!! The lithosphere is divided into plates. Together, the plates make up the earth’s crust and some of earth’s mantle.

25 Oceanic crust Continental crust

26 There are two types of plates. They are: 1.oceanic 2. continental

27 When two oceanic plates are bordering each other, we have an oceanic- oceanic boundary. When two continental plates are bordering each other, we have a continental-continental boundary. When a continental plate and an oceanic plate are bordering each other, we have a oceanic-continental boundary.

28 2.

29 Plates under the ocean are called oceanic plates. They are made of basalt. Plates that make up the continents are called continental plates. They are made of granite.

30 Oceanic plates are denser than continental plates. Therefore basalt is denser than granite.

31 There are three types of plate boundaries that describe MOVEMENT. They are 1. convergent 2. divergent 3. transform-fault Convergent Divergent Transform

32 Convergent: when two plate boundaries are moving TOWARDS each other Divergent: when two plate boundaries are moving AWAY from each other Transform-fault: when two plate boundaries are moving PAST each other

33 First, we need to know Density Write this at the top of your notes: Density= mass / volume

34 Sick Science about DENSITY! What happens to toilet water after you flush?toilet water Remember, more dense things sink, less dense things rise!


36 The top two layers of the earth are the lithosphere and the asthenosphere!! The lithosphere is made up of the crust and the upper mantle… The asthenosphere is made up of the middle mantle.

37 Plates are moved by convection currents which take place in the asthenosphere. Convection current

38 What do dense items have to do with plate movement??

39 Convection Convection currents form as hot magma rises towards the lithosphere and cold magma falls towards the earth’s core. The rising and falling of magma is due to changes in density as the magma is heated. Hot magma is less dense than cold magma.

40 The unequal distribution of heat within earth causes CONVECTION in the mantle which ultimately causes plate motion. lithosphere asthenosphere

41 Pulling it all together dmE dmE

42 Geothermal Energy: Heat from the earth! It causes ridge push and slab pull. Ridge Push: oceanic lithosphere slide down into the mantle through the ocean ridge and melts, due to gravity. Slab Pull: plate motion in which cool, dense OLD oceanic crust sinks into mantle pulling additional lithosphere (crust) with it (it melts in the mantle)

43 DRAW ARROWS Geothermal Energy: Ridge Push: Slab/Gravity Pull: DRAW ARROWS TO WHERE THIS IS HAPPENING. Convection in the under earth’s crust causes tectonic plates to move. (DRAW IT)


45 Does the size of the earth change?

46 ConvergentDivergentTransform Oceanic- Oceanic -Trench -Volcanoes (subduction) Mid-ocean ridge Fault Oceanic- Continental (subduction) -Trench -Volcanoes Ocean ridgeFault Continental- Continental MountainsRiftFault

47 1.Divergent plates will form a riftor a ridge. 2. Convergent plates will undergo subduction if one of those plates is oceanic. If they undergo subduction, they will form a trench and volcano. Two convergent, continental plates will form a mountain. 3. Transform plate boundaries will always, always, always form a fault.


49 Divergent plates

50 Convergent Plates

51 Divergent: Continental-Continental Continental rift: where spreading centers develop within a continent (i.e. on land)

52 Divergent Continental


54 Divergent Oceanic-oceanic


56 Divergent Oceanic sI8 sI8

57 Convergent Boundary: Continental- Continental Plates collide, slowly crumple up, and form mountains.

58 Continental-Continental Convergent Himalaya Mountains

59 The Himalaya Mountains continue to grow about 5 mm each year.

60 Convergent: Oceanic-Oceanic When 2 oceanic plates crash into each other, one is subducted and volcanic island arcs are formed.

61 Convergent Oceanic-Continental When an oceanic plate and a continental plate collide, the denser oceanic plate sinks below the less dense continental plate. The oceanic lithosphere melts to form magma!

62 Divergent creates NEW lithosphere.

63 Convergent boundaries destroy lithosphere


65 p. 259, Figure 9

66 When plates grow from new magma, is the earth getting bigger?

67 When magma creates new lithosphere, older portions of oceanic plates return to the mantle along convergent plate boundaries.

68 Divergent Continental Plates Rift valley East African Rift Valley

69 Transform Fault Pass out quiz San Andreas Fault



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