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Conventionel textformating: This is a header and this is plain text Descriptive textformating: This is a header and this is plain text.

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Presentation on theme: "Conventionel textformating: This is a header and this is plain text Descriptive textformating: This is a header and this is plain text."— Presentation transcript:

1 Conventionel textformating: This is a header and this is plain text Descriptive textformating: This is a header and this is plain text

2 HTML Hyper Text Markup Language TEI Text Encoding Initiative Bookmaster andet formateringssprog efter SGML standarden SGML (standard- ”metasprog”) Standard Generalized Markup Language Descriptive formating

3 <!-- There are six levels of headings from H1 (the most important) to H6 (the least important). --> <!ATTLIST (%heading;) %attrs; -- %coreattrs, %i18n, %events -- > DTD - document Type Definition Manus> Dette er en tekst med HTML-koder. Disse består selv af tekst, der er omsluttet med tegnene < og > BrowserBrowser Manus Dette er en tekst med HTML- koder. Disse består selv af tekst, der er omsluttet med tegnene

4 HTML– structure



7 General navigation questions Purpose-oriented questions Product- or audience-oriented questions Jennifer Fleming’s Web-design model User wants answers to:

8 General navigation questions  Where am I?  Where can I go?  How will I get there?  How can I get back to where I once was? example: Shop (bookstore)

9 Purpose-oriented questions  How do I know if my financial information is secure?  How can I protect my privacy?  How can I find the item I want?  What if I’m not sure exactly what I’m looking for?  How can I preview products to see if they are right for me?  What if I have problems or returns? example: Shop (bookstore)

10 Product- or audience-oriented questions  How can I find books by a particular author?  How can I find books that are similar to books I like?  How do I know what the reading level of a book is?  Where can I get reviews or recommendations?  How do I find out about new releases and awards? example: Shop (bookstore)

11 General navigation questions  Where am I?  Where can I go?  How will I get there?  How can I get back to where I once was? Purpose-oriented questions  How do I know if my financial information is secure?  How can I protect my privacy?  How can I find the item I want?  What if I’m not sure exactly what I’m looking for?  How can I preview products to see if they are right for me?  What if I have problems or returns? Product- or audience-oriented questions  How can I find books by a particular author?  How can I find books that are similar to books I like?  How do I know what the reading level of a book is?  Where can I get reviews or recommendations?  How do I find out about new releases and awards? example: Shop (bookstore)

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