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Fruits. How many pieces of fruit have you eaten ? Why do you think we should eat fruit ?

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Presentation on theme: "Fruits. How many pieces of fruit have you eaten ? Why do you think we should eat fruit ?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Fruits

2 How many pieces of fruit have you eaten ? Why do you think we should eat fruit ?


4 What are the benefits of fruits ? Introduction many benefits of fruits to not be considered countless. In some yet undiscovered benefits. We come to some benefits.

5 Apple Apple juice, two of the best types of food for supplementing food There are two types of apples red apples and green apple Benefits of Apples 1. Wash your teeth and strengthen gums 2. reduce cholesterol levels in the human body 3. Get rid the human body of toxins and have a characteristic apple fruit in attacking viruses

6 The benefits of apple juice 1. green apple juice helps to burn fat 2. green apple juice protects the heart from disease 3. helps in lowering blood pressure 4. protects against diabetes 5. Prevents the smell of mouth

7 Orange The fruit "orange" citrus high health benefits as it works to increase the body's resistance and raise the level of health and disease resistance, where food is one of the "alkaline" As the orange juice is one of the best juices after the performance of exercise or physical activity because it contains a good percentage of minerals and carbohydrates and vitamins.

8 Orange benefits : 1. Filter blood and kill the worms and juice wholesome. 2. Strengthens the stomach and strengthens teeth. 3. Fortified orange juice and appetizing, especially to those who complain of anemia. 4. Orange strengthens bones, nails and hair, teeth and reduces blood lipids (cholesterol).

9 Banana The so-called banana in the language of the Koran acacia, as stated in the verse { وأصحاب اليمين ما أصحاب اليمين في سدر مخضود وطلح منضود } سورة الواقعة 27-29. The so-called food or fruit of the wise philosophers From one of the multiple benefits of bananas, it is used to fight intestinal disorders, including ulcers, which is the only safe fruit that describe ulcer patients

10 Other benefits of bananas Assistance in the treatment of constipation and diarrhea. - The treatment of arthritis. - Treatment of anemia. - The fruit of bananas contain no fat, sodium or cholesterol.

11 +:)) Enough Mawla department says the Koran.. olive and fig.. Olive and its benefits {.... If you drink hot water colic housing. Colon addresses. Expels worms. Heartbreaking gravel and kidney fit. Congestion lives joints. Handles back pain. Prevents graying and fit and prevents hair fall. Cut mold and tightens Members.

12 Of the benefits of figs Contains Vitamin (A - B 1 - B 2 - w - b b) Many nutrition - digester - Tonic - laxative - a diuretic - useful for diseases of the chest. Used to feed the children and young people, athletes and pregnant women. Prevents the figs with diabetes, obesity and indigestion.

13 The End The benefits of fruits to not be considered and countless, but I hope we have given a good show Please accept my greetings والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

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