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LSE Careers Service Viki Chinn

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Presentation on theme: "LSE Careers Service Viki Chinn"— Presentation transcript:

1 LSE Careers Service Viki Chinn
NO INTERNSHIP? NO PANIC! LSE Careers Service Viki Chinn

2 Agenda Internship Fever! Alternative Options and Strategy
Advertised Roles/Speculative Applications Networking Making Contact Other Sources

3 Internship Fever!

4 Alternative Options What to do if you don’t have an internship! BUT
Remember your priorities!!!!!

5 Soooo… Analyse the market Supply and demand rules!
Think outside the box Skills/responsibilities vs ‘Name’

6 Develop a job hunting strategy
Plan what you are going to do, be organised and systematic Treat the job search process as a JOB Record all your applications and progress

7 Start with the obvious Advertised roles
Just for LSE - Check our on line vacancy board (every day!) our website – My Careers Service – Search for Opportunities Other good sites /

8 Not advertised- Speculative Applications
Pros: Competition limited, maybe nil You seem well motivated full of initiative Cheaper for employer Can be immediate start Cons: More work for you How do you find the jobs? You must know what you want what you have to offer

9 Speculative letters Useful when:
You want a specific job in a specific organisation The organisation is not advertising You have relevant skills You have relevant qualifications

10 Speculative letters Get a contact name Introduce yourself
Spell out what you can offer Do your research thoroughly – have a ‘hook’ Request a formal interview Say when you will follow up

11 Networking-The time effective solution!
To research the job market It’s the most important way to source jobs in some sectors To gain information - informational interviewing Preparing for interviews Generating new contacts

12 family education friends YOU target industry Work experience

13 Making contact Introduce yourself State what you want to know
eg more about sector/market/particular job Make clear – NOT asking for a job at this stage You would value their advice Ask tactfully for a short meeting, or Ask for names of others who might help you

14 Informational interviewing
Typical questions: What is it like to work in this industry? Who are the key players? Which skills are most relevant? How did they get their current job? Any advice they can offer? Best person to contact re job?

15 How do I get the most out of my further conversations?
Talk to contacts about; Why you want experience/work in that sector Why you want it with them Demonstrate you have researched the company Have an awareness of any opportunities available Be specific and ask open questions;eye contact and name Make a note of names and answers to your questions Be business like – no flirting or schmoozing

16 Other sources National newspapers, particularly The Guardian
International papers www Local and evening newspapers Specialist press Recruitment Fairs Professional association vacancy bulletins (cheap memberships for new grads?)

17 Recruitment consultancies
Professional bodies often keep lists of specialist agencies eg: Institute of Practitioners in Advertising The Management consultancies association Specialist websites eg: Remember – you are not the client!

18 UK work experience National Centre for work experience -
- STEP - Prospects -

19 Non UK work experience
Teaching English abroad – careers information office

20 Results are (almost) everything!
BUT REMEMBER…. Results are (almost) everything! So DO enhance your CV But do NOT neglect your studies BE SMART

21 Where do I go from here? Keep note of experiences, names and contacts
Employer skill sessions Come to the fairs Go to employer graduate presentations Liaise with careers advisers Go to careers presentations

22 Questions?

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