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The Progressive Era The Three Progressive Presidents of the era.

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Presentation on theme: "The Progressive Era The Three Progressive Presidents of the era."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Progressive Era 1901- 1917 The Three Progressive Presidents of the era.

2 Define Reform What reforms are necessary today in our own society?
What past reform movements have we investigated previously in class?

3 Populists Who made-up the members of this group? Rural farmers
Small business owners Who is the most memorable individual of the Populist movement? Here is glance at his picture.

4 WHO? Famous for his “Cross of Gold” Speech.

5 What did the Populist want? Party Platform
Silver and gold to back the currency Graduated income tax Government ownership of railroads and telegraph Direct election of senators 8 hr. work day Restrictions on immigrants One term President and Vice- President Secret ballot for all elections

6 Progressives Who makes-up this group?
Urban middle-class… Spirit of Reform kicked the mud off their boots and changed their overhauls for a three piece suit. What problems do they confront? Political Social Economic

7 Political Identify key reforms in politics called for during the Progressive Era.

8 Economic What economic reforms were addressed in the Progressive Era.

9 Social What social reforms were undertaken during the Progressive Era.

10 Mr. Kuhn US History Political Economic Social


12 Direct election of Senators Secret Ballots Recall Direct Primary
Mr. Kuhn US History Political Referendum Initiatives Direct election of Senators Secret Ballots Recall Direct Primary Square Deal “Wisconsin Idea” Economic Trust-busting Good v. Bad Trusts Sherman Anti-Trust enforced Federal Reserve Banking system Clayton Anti-Trust passed Elkins act/ Hepburn Act Social Muckrakers Hull House-Settlement house Booker T. Vs. W.E.B. Marcus Garvey Additional choices here…

13 President Roosevelt

14 President Roosevelt Domestic Foreign

15 President Roosevelt Domestic Foreign Conservation
Pure Food and Drug Act Meat Inspection Act Square Deal “Trust-Buster” Elkins Act Hepburn Act “Bully Pulpit” Foreign Monroe Doctrine -1823 Roosevelt Corollary Panama Canal Treaty of Portsmouth

16 President William H. Taft

17 William H. Taft Domestic Foreign Dollar Diplomacy
Broke-up more trusts than Roosevelt Enforced the Sherman anti-trust act Reluctant President Foreign Dollar Diplomacy

18 President Woodrow Wilson

19 President Wilson Domestic New Freedom Foreign Chased Pancho Villa
Federal Reserve Banking Act Graduated Income tax Federal Trade Commission Clayton Anti-trust Act Foreign Chased Pancho Villa World War I

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