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Pen and Ink Project Creating values with words Review Elements of art that will be incorporated into this project: Shape (2D objects) Value/Contrast.

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Presentation on theme: "Pen and Ink Project Creating values with words Review Elements of art that will be incorporated into this project: Shape (2D objects) Value/Contrast."— Presentation transcript:


2 Pen and Ink Project Creating values with words

3 Review Elements of art that will be incorporated into this project: Shape (2D objects) Value/Contrast (lights, midtones and darks) Contrast: difference between lights and darks.

4 Review cont’d: Value: Lights and darks or highlights and shadows of an image.

5 Purpose of this assignment: To complete a pen and ink drawing using words to determine values. This is known as micrography.

6 Micrography: (wickipedia) Micrography, also called microcalligraphy, is an art form developed in the 9th century AD!! In micrography, the word literally becomes the vision (or image), as thousands upon thousands of blend and weave together to tell a story.

7 Hebrew Text Example: Italy, ca. 1825 Micrographic text: Five Megillot (Esther, Ruth, Song of Songs, Ecclesiastes, and Lamentations) B (NS)Mc43

8 Modern Micrography: L.A. Pop Art Team of artists Signature style - micrography - the words in the story are used to create the image. Posters and T-shirts All subject matter reflects pop art: movies, music and historical events.


10 Student Project: Create a pen and ink drawing using micrography in which a minimum of seven values are created.

11 Steps: Bring in a quote or song lyrics (school appropriate!!) Practice creating value with micrography in a value scale. Create a pencil outline of the shapes in your drawing. Fill in the line drawing with pen using only words. No outlines in pen! Add value changes with STIPPLING to add interesting texture and details to your drawing!

12 Student Examples




16 Stippling Examples!




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