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S TRENGTH T RAINING  Equipment and software for Physical Therapy  Goal: Improve Strength among Clients and Company By: Liz Young.

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Presentation on theme: "S TRENGTH T RAINING  Equipment and software for Physical Therapy  Goal: Improve Strength among Clients and Company By: Liz Young."— Presentation transcript:

1 S TRENGTH T RAINING  Equipment and software for Physical Therapy  Goal: Improve Strength among Clients and Company By: Liz Young

2 T HE I MPORTANCE OF S TRENGTH T RAINING Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation Overall Health Benefits Sports Enhancements Maximize performance Proprioception and Prevention of Falls


4 E QUIPMENT /S OFTWARE Medicine Balls Dumbbells Resistance bands Kettle bells This equipment will benefit the clients The software will benefit the company

5 M EDICINE B ALLS What is it:  a weighted ball Use/Value: Rehabilitation and Strength Exercises  Both upper and lower body work Purpose  Gain better balance  Build muscle strength

6 Where to buy:  Online (Amazon, e-bay, etc.)  sports stores (Dicks, Sports authority etc.) Cost:  $ 25-45

7 D UMBBELLS What is it:  Type of free weight Use/Value: Rehabilitation and Strength Exercises  Total body work Purpose  Build muscle strength  Tone muscles

8 Where to buy:  Online (Amazon, e-bay, etc.)  sports stores (Dicks, Sports authority etc.)  Retail stores (Wal-Mart, target, etc.) Cost:  $ 1-150 (depending on size)

9 R ESISTANCE BANDS What is it:  Rubber tubing  Comes in different shapes Use/Value: Rehabilitation and Strength Exercises  Total body work Purpose  Tone muscles  Stabilizes and strengthens muscles  stretching

10 Where to buy:  Online (Amazon, e-bay, etc.)  sports stores (Dicks, Sports authority etc.) Cost:  $ 10-40 (depending on size and shape)

11 K ETTLE BELLS What is it:  Weighted ball with handle Use/Value: Rehabilitation and Strength Exercises  Total body work Purpose  strengthens and tones muscles

12 Where to buy:  Online (Amazon, e-bay, etc.)  sports stores (Dicks, Sports authority etc.) Cost:  $ 25-100 (depending on weight)

13 T ASK C LEAR S OFTWARE What is it: computer software to help organize:  Data  Scheduling  Client documentation Use/Value: manage and organize physical therapy office

14  Purpose: help keep therapists and data organized  Where to get the program: taskclear-free-organization-software-for-small- business.html  Cost: FREE for small businesses



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