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Super-Resolution Barak Zackay Yaron Kassner. Outline Introduction to Super-Resolution Reconstruction Based Super Resolution –An Algorithm –Limits on Reconstruction.

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Presentation on theme: "Super-Resolution Barak Zackay Yaron Kassner. Outline Introduction to Super-Resolution Reconstruction Based Super Resolution –An Algorithm –Limits on Reconstruction."— Presentation transcript:

1 Super-Resolution Barak Zackay Yaron Kassner

2 Outline Introduction to Super-Resolution Reconstruction Based Super Resolution –An Algorithm –Limits on Reconstruction Based Super Resolution Example Based Super Resolution –Halucination –Example Based –Single Image Super Resolution Summary

3 Introduction to Super Resolution

4 Definition of the Problem Super-resolution is the process of combining multiple low resolution images to form a higher resolution one. No cheating! –Resulting image should represent reality better than all the input images.

5 The Imaging Process

6 Physical Properties Each camera suffers from some inherent optical issues: –Finite size of the aperture - generates blur, modeled by the Point-Spread-Function (PSF). –Noise

7 Mathematical Model Each pixel in the resulting image is given by: Lo i (m) – the i-th LR image in pixel m. E i (x) – total photon count from the direction x PSF i – Point Spread Function

8 Deresolution Given HR image Project to LR image Each LR pixel is a linear combination of HR pixels HR LR

9 Reconstruction-based Super Resolution Reconstruct hidden HR pixels out of known linear combinations. HR LR

10 Example-Based Super Resolution Use prior knowledge to reconstruct a HR image. Prior Knowledge of faces

11 Reconstruction Based Super Resolution from Improving Resolution by Image Registration Michal Irani and Shmuel Peleg

12 Basic Idea The HR image should create the LR images when deresoluted.

13 Notation : The k th observed LR image. : The approximation to the HR image after n iterations. : The LR image obtained by applying the simulated imaging process to. : The point spread function of the imaging blur. : a HR pixel : a LR pixel influenced by x : The center of the receptive field of y.

14 Problem Formulation Find a HR image, that gives. –

15 Algorithm Overview Register the LR images. Guess the HR image. Iteration n: –Simulate the imaging process to create from. –Compare and. –Correct in the direction of the error. output

16 Registration HR LR

17 Iteration Take the current guess. Decrease its resolution to get Update each HR pixel x according to the error in all LR pixels (y) it influences.c is a constant normalizing factor. –c is a constant normalizing factor. –Yk,x is the group of all pixels y that are influenced by x. – is a back-projection kernel applied on that represents the way the HR pixel x should be updated from y.

18 Wasach One of three input images Initial guess (average of input images) Output

19 Debluring Original ImageBlurred ImageRestored Image

20 Wasach Initial GuessBlurred ImageRestored Image

21 Wasach 1 of 10 LR imagesInitial guessReconstructed Image

22 Limits on Reconstruction Based Methods from Limits on Super-Resolution and How to Break Them Simon Baker and Takeo Kanade

23 Large Magnification Factor is Problematic Large magnification factor causes: –Overly smooth HR image –Fine details are not recovered An explanation is needed.

24 Evil Example Suppose we want to increase the resolution by exactly M=2. Lets look on a checkboard like scene, where each pixel is either white or black. HR LR

25 Information is Inherently Missing The resulting image would be grey independently from the offset of the LR image! Conclusion: some information is inherently missing on our LR images!

26 When M is not an Integer HR LR

27 Limits of Super-Resolution Size of LR images: N pixels. Size of HR image: NM 2 pixels. Each HR pixel can be added noise of amplitude smaller than M 2 which wont change the LR image! Volume of possible HR solutions: O(M 2N ) 1 It can be shown that under practical considerations the effective magnification factor ( M ) is bounded by 1.6, no matter how many LR images are taken 2. 1 Limits on Super-Resolution and How to Break Them, Simon Baker and Takeo Kanade 2 Fundamental Limits of Reconstruction-Based Superresolution Algorithms under Local Translation, Zhouchen Lin, and Heung-Yeung Shum

28 Break Introduction to Super-Resolution Reconstruction Based Super Resolution –An Algorithm –Limits on Reconstruction Based Super Resolution Example Based Super Resolution –Halucination –Example Based –Single Image Super Resolution Summary

29 Example Based Super Resolution

30 Introduction to Example-Based Super Resolution Reconstruction constraints are not enough. One has to use prior knowledge of the image to break the reconstruction limits. The following algorithms will use priors learned from databases of example images.

31 Recogstruction or Hallucination from Limits on Super-Resolution and How to Break Them Simon Baker and Takeo Kanade

32 General Idea Find a HR image Su that satisfies two kinds of constraints: –Reconstruction constraints: When projected to the LR dimensions, the image is similar to the observed input images. –Recognition constraints: The pixels of Su should resemble pixels from images in the DB that where found to have similar features to the observed LR images’ features.

33 MAP formulation To solve the problem, given the LR images, we need to find the HR image that maximizes - Su : the HR image - Lo : the LR images Reconstruction Constraints Recognition Constraints

34 Reconstruction Constraints The probability of the LR images given the HR image can be computed from the distance between the deresoluted HR image and the LR images. – : the noise variance –PSF : Point Spread Function – : The pixel in Lo that corresponds to pixel z in Su. –m : a LR pixel index


36 Recognition: LR features We use “Parent Structures” to describe LR features.

37 Recognition: Choosing the Pixels from the DB PS = Parent Structure F = Features – like First deriviative, or Laplacian

38 Formulation of Recognition Constraints Instead of estimating the probability of the HR image, Su, we estimate its probability given each pixel’s “recognition”. H 0 – Horizontal derivative V 0 – Vertical derivative. - Variance of the recognition errors. T - the training images. BI – best images for the pixels of the LR images. BP – best pixel indices in the best images for the pixels of the LR images. C i,BP,BI – Class of all images that would have the Best corresponding Images BI, and the Best corresponding Pixels BP in the db. - The function that fits a LR pixel index to the corresponding HR pixel index. 2 k – the ratio between the HR image scale and the LR image scale.

39 Maximization Note that the function we need to maximize is quadratic with the HR image’s pixels. Do gradient descent.

40 Algorithm Summary Preliminary work: –Take a training set of images. –Build a DB that matches parent structures to HR pixels. Compute the reconstruction constraints. For each LR image: –For each HR pixel index: Search for the corresponding parent structure in the DB. Find the HR image that fits best both the reconstruction constraints and the HR pixels extracted from the database.

41 Comparison


43 Best and Worst Image

44 Noise Effect

45 Image Size

46 Hallucination


48 Results on Text

49 Example Based Super Resolution William T. Freeman, Thouis R. Jones and Egon C. Pasztor

50 Algorithm Overview Construct a DB of matching LR-HR patches Algorithmically find the most coherent patch assignment to generate a good image

51 Constructing the DB Given a DB of images Make a table from LR patches to HR patches. Each image in the DB is treated as follows: –Take each 7x7 patch from the image and deresolute into a 5x5 patch –Normalize the 5x5 patches to have the same mean and relative contrast. –Arrange the DB by the low frequencies of the LR patches

52 Local Patch Matching Match a LR patch to a HR patch from the DB, using low frequencies. Get an estimation to the unknown (high) frequencies, based on the match. Remaining problem: match between neighboring overlapping patches.

53 Global Patch Matching Run over patches from left to right and from top to bottom Match each patch its nearest neighbor in the DB using the predetermined patches as additional constraints.

54 Algorithm

55 Wasach


57 Cubic-spline Super-resolutionTrue high-resolution image

58 Wasach

59 Complete Failure

60 Priors are definitely used!

61 Super Resolution From a Single Image Daniel Glaser, Shai Bagon and Michal Irani

62 Patch Redundancy in a Single Image

63 Employing in-scale Patch Redundancy

64 Employing Cross-scale Patch Redundancy Build a cascade of decreasing resolution images from the LR image. For each patch in the LR image, search for its Nearest Neighbour in the even lower resolution image. Take the found neighbour’s parent in the original LR image and copy it to be the HR image.

65 Combining the Methods

66 Wasach Bicubic interpolation Unified single-image SR (x3)Ground truth image

67 Wasach Unified single-image SR (x3) Bicubic interpolation

68 Wasach









77 Summary We have presented two basic approaches for super resolution: –Reconstruction-based – which simply tries to reverse the imaging process –Example-based – which uses example images to reconstruct the original image. We have shown that there are limits to reconstruction based methods, which are independent of the number of LR images we use. We have presented an algorithm that combines both approaches to achieve SR from a single image.

78 Questions?

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