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Chapter 1: Science and the Environment

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1 Chapter 1: Science and the Environment

2 Section 1 Objectives: Define _________science.
List the ___ major fields of environmental science. Describe the _____environmental effects. Distinguish between __________ and ______________ resources. Classify ____________ problems.

3 Sec. 1: Understanding Our Environment
What is Environmental Science? The goals of Environmental Science _______________________________ To study interactions b/t humans and their environment

4 Sec. 1: Understanding Our Environment
Many Fields of Study _________= study of how living things interact with each other and with their nonliving environment; ___________ ____________________________ TABLE 1  p. 7 Major Fields of Study Be familiar with this table and bold words, they could appear on voc. quiz Wednesday!

5 Environmental Science
Major Fields of Study Environmental Science Microbiology Ecology Paleontology Climatology Engineering Geochemistry Anthropology

6 Sec. 1: Understanding Our Environment
The observations of nonscientists are the _____ step toward addressing an environmental __________

7 Sec. 1: Understanding Our Environment
________________ People who got _______ by collecting plants and by ____________ wild animals or scavenging their remains Helped spread ______ to areas where the plants did not originally _______ Cleared _______ by setting fires and may have contributed to the _________ of some large _____________.

8 Sec. 1: Understanding Our Environment
The ____________ Revolution ___________=practice of growing, breeding, and caring for plants and ______that are used for food, clothing, housing, __________, other purposes. Allowed human ___________to grow at an unprecedented rate. Changed the ______ we eat, the plants we grow and eat today are descended from wild ______. Caused human _______ growth, habitat growth, soil erosion, and the ___________ of plants and animals.

9 Sec. 1: Understanding Our Environment
The __________Revolution Occurred in ______ involved a shift from energy sources. Changed ______ and greatly increased the efficiency. Caused ________ human population growth and the increased of _____________. Most modern _____________ problems began during the Industrial Revolution.

10 Sec. 1: Understanding Our Environment
The _______________ introduced many positive changes: Agricultural productivity ________; sanitation; nutrition; and ________ care vastly improved. The Industrial Revolution introduced many new _____________ problems: ___________ and _________ loss

11 Sec. 1: Understanding Our Environment
What are our main environmental problems? _________________ Any _________ material that is used by ________ is called a natural resource. Resources are said to be ________ when a large fraction of the ________ has been used up. ________________ Is an undesired change in ___, ______, or soil that adversely affects the _________, survival, or activities of __________ or other organisms.

12 Sec. 1: Understanding Our Environment
Loss of ___________ ________refers to the ________ and variety of species that live in an area. ____________that share the world with us can be considered _________________.

13 Sec. 1: Understanding Our Environment
Renewable and Nonrenewable Resources Renewable Nonrenewable metals such as iron, aluminum, & copper _________ wood soil

14 Sec 2: The Environment and Society
OBJECTIVES: Describe “_____________________.” Explain the ____________________. List ____ differences b/t ________ and ____________ countries. Explain what ____________ is, and describe why it is a ______ of environmental science.

15 Sec 2: The Environment and Society
“The __________ of the Commons” An __________ essay that described the relationship b/t the ___________ interests of the individual and the __________ interests of society. Written by ______________ in 1968. He thought that people would continue to ________ natural resources by acting in their own _____________ to the point of society’s collapse.

16 Sec 2: The Environment and Society
Economics and the Environment ___________________ States that the _____ the demand for a limited supply of something, the _____ that thing is worth. Example: if the supply of oil decreases, we have 3 choices: pay the higher prices, use less oil, or find new sources of energy. _____________________ Balances the _____ of the action against the ____ analysis often depend on ___ is doing the analysis.

17 Sec 2: The Environment and Society
Economics and the Environment ________________ Which is one ______ that helps us create cost-effective ways to protect our health and the _____________ __________ and ___________ Countries __________ countries have _______ average incomes, slower population growth, diverse industrial economics, and stronger social support systems. ___________ countries have ______ average incomes, simple and agriculture based economics, and rapid population growth

18 Sec 2: The Environment and Society
Population and Consumption _______________________ Read p. 18 Read p. 19 Shows the ____________ area of Earth needed to support one person in a ___________ country. Estimates the land used for ______, grazing, forest products, and ___________.

19 Sec 2: The Environment and Society
A _____________World _____________= the condition in which ______ needs are met in such a way that a human population can survive _______________. Section 2 Review p. 21 (1-5) Q & A

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