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Rotary Community Corps EXIT. Rotary Community Corps Rotary Community Corps (RCC) is one of Rotary International’s nine structured programs designed to.

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Presentation on theme: "Rotary Community Corps EXIT. Rotary Community Corps Rotary Community Corps (RCC) is one of Rotary International’s nine structured programs designed to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rotary Community Corps EXIT

2 Rotary Community Corps Rotary Community Corps (RCC) is one of Rotary International’s nine structured programs designed to help clubs and districts achieve their service goals in their own communities and in communities abroad, fostering fellowship and goodwill in the process. EXIT

3 What is RCC? A Rotary Community Corps is a group of non-Rotarian men and women who share Rotarians’ commitment to service. Under the guidance of a sponsoring Rotary club, dedicated RCC members put their own skills to work to improve the quality of life in their communities. EXIT

4 RCC Goals Encourage individuals to take responsibility for the improvement of their community or village. Recognize the dignity and value of all useful occupations. Mobilize self-help activities and collective work to improve quality of life. Encourage the development of human potential to its fullest, within the context of the local culture and community. EXIT

5 RCC History and Statistics Began in 1985 RI Board adopted program in 1988 Today more than 5,000 active RCCs with 2,000 Rotary club sponsors in 73 countries worldwide EXIT

6 About RCC An opportunity for Rotarians and non-Rotarians to work together to foster enduring community development Adaptable to any community, rural or urban Active participants mobilize to articulate, design, and carry out their own plans for change. Rotarians oversee projects but allow corps members to increase their independence. EXIT

7 RCC Guidelines Membership should be open to non-Rotarian men and women who reside, are employed, or study near the Corps’ community. RCCs should meet at least once per month. No meeting of the RCC is deemed official unless a member of the Rotary club is present. RCCs are encouraged to undertake two major projects annually. Any membership dues should be nominal. EXIT

8 RCC Activities RCCs work to organize sustainable development for the community in which they live. As community members gain access to educational and vocational training from an RCC project, they can pass along their knowledge and skills to future generations. EXIT

9 Project Examples Establish a literacy center or tutoring group at a local school or library. Set up a clinic for people who cannot afford regular health care. Train unskilled workers and help them find jobs. Organize teams to clean up local parks and highways. EXIT

10 How to Organize a RCC Introduce the program to your Rotary club. Understand the community’s needs. Recruit RCC members and familiarize them with Rotary. Review guidelines and submit organization form. Develop a mission statement and set realistic goals. EXIT

11 Rotary Club Support The Rotary club plays an important role in the initial phase of RCC development to Orient new members and help elect officers. Assist developing long-term financial and operating plans. Maintain the enthusiasm and focus of members. Promote RCC to potential members. Communicate success stories to local media and Rotary International. EXIT

12 RCC Structure RCCs are encouraged to Elect a leadership group for a one-year term. Choose a representative from within the leadership group. The representative represents the RCC with the sponsoring Rotary club and the public. EXIT

13 District Structure District governors are encouraged to appoint RCC chairs to Support existing RCCs. Work to improve the program. Implement new methods to ensure success. EXIT

14 Participate As partners in service, RCC members and Rotarians have the opportunity to Develop communication and leadership skills. Enhance community pride. Share the responsibility to take charge of their community’s future. EXIT

15 Resources The following resources are available on the RI Web site: RCC section RCC publications RCC staff Rotary E-Learning Center EXIT

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